President Bush Graded on Medicinal Marijuana

Key West

New Member
Asked about medical marijuana as he campaigned for president in 1999, George W. Bush said he believes "each state can choose that decision as they so choose" (sic). Yet the Bush administration has arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned medical marijuana patients and providers at an alarming rate. Administration officials have aggressively campaigned against local and state proposals to protect medical marijuana patients.

What Bush has done: The Bush administration has conducted an unrelenting assault on medical marijuana dispensaries in California and attempted to undercut Proposition 215, the ballot initiative approved by Californians in 1996 that allows legal access to medical marijuana. Dozens of patients and providers have been arrested or seen their homes raided, and other medical marijuana distributors have shut down out of fear of federal attacks. In October 2002, Bryan Epis became the first person convicted of federal marijuana charges stemming from his work as a medical marijuana patient and provider, and he is now serving a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence. Other Bush administration actions include the September 2002 raid on the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana -- during which a disabled woman was held at gunpoint and handcuffed to a bed -- and the January 2003 conviction of Ed Rosenthal, who grew medical marijuana at the request of the city of Oakland, but who was not allowed to discuss the medical aspects of his case in court.

Bush's drug czar, John Walters, is an anti-marijuana zealot who has compared medical marijuana to "medicinal crack."

What Bush has said: October 16, 1999: While campaigning in Seattle, Bush was asked by a reporter if he supported a state's right to allow legal access to medical marijuana. Bush's response surprised many: "I believe each state can choose that decision as they so choose" (sic). (The full story is available here.) Bush aides later clarified that he does not support legalizing medical marijuana. Bush also told reporters that a law protecting medical marijuana patients was "not going to happen in Texas."

Bush has not spoken about medical marijuana since taking office as president.
While the medicinal use of marijuana is a very important issue to me, there are many more important issues that need to be considered when casting a vote. It's not possible to find a president who is going to be perfect and see everything exactly as we see. I think this election is more about damage control than anything, personally -- which candidate is going to do the least amount of damage over the next 4 years? While I'm neither a republican nor a democrat (I'm libertarian), I think Bush will be the safest bet.

The beauty of our country is that we can choose. Long live democracy.
But when the president you support lies to you, refuses to be a peacemaker even in the UN, goes after people who are sick and find relief in Marijuana. They can get oxycontin(sp?) but if they smoke weed Bush will lock you up.

Bullshit....The world is in turmoil, Healthcare is in turmoil, The deficit is unbelievable, The unemployment rate is higher than ever and yet people think that is OK and The man responsible is doing a great job?

Change isnt always bad, Anywhere else in America if you have Bush's record in business you'd be fired long ago. I just don't get the blindness.

Britney said it best..."we should just have faith in the presiden" No No NO Why should we have "faith" that a man will do good...B.S. if the man isn't up to par then move on to someone who might.
ee99ee, you directly contradicted yourself. You are looking for someone to do "damage control", yet you are supporting the administration which has caused enormous damage to our nation in the 4 years in power. Not only has bush invaded 2 countries, neither of which produced fruit (IE: Afghanistan was supposed to bring us Bin Laden, and Iraq was supposed to have WMD's) and of which has now landed us in a SHITSTORM of international mistrust and dislike, as well as forced us to stay in a foreign country, occupying a populace that does NOT want us there, will NEVER be stable, for reasons that were FLASE, and finaly, we have no business being there in the first place. Not even TOUCHING on the domestic issues and constitutional rape our country has endured over the past 4 years, how could you POSSIBLY vote for a man who has caused so much havok, not to mention, thinks YOU ARE A CRIMINAL (you smoke weed, dont you?)???
Also, consider your age. If you are under 25, guess what, you are ELGIBIBLE for the draft. Now, we have our forces streched SO THIN, we are initiating a STOP LOSS PROGRAM , and we have most of our reserve and guard units deployed. Should Korea (You know, the country that was shooting test missiles over the sea of japan and starting up their nuke program again, while Bush totaly ignored them, rather spending all of our time and resources invading a country that had NO weapons of mass destruction, giving Korea the time and space it needed to create...WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION), Libya, or ANYONE for that matter, do something drastic or dangerous, WHERE DO YOU THINK WE WILL GET TROOPS FROM? Our ass? No. I think you should carefully re-revaulate which candidate has the potential to do the most damage, and which one hgas already done the most damage to our country, both internationaly AND domesticly.
If this asshole gets re-elected. Their will be more than eggs thrown at his limo. Black folks are going to riot. This time it might lead to a civil war again.
King_Giant said:
Black folks are going to riot.
Doesn't that happen after every major sporting event? ;)

Satan hah just playin...

...only after the Lakers win Rollin
Damn that fucking sucks considering i live in texas!
i know i'll be rioting in the streets
Former New York mayor Ed Koch was on the Daily Show. He said (paraphrase), "I don't agree with a single one of Bush's domestic policies. I'm supporting him for his record on fighting global terrorism." What a blind brain washed public the American people have become. According to the Bush administration, with the terror alert levels and all, terrorism is a HUGE problem in the USA. America has been attacked only ounce. Are serial snipers a major concern? Because there were as many serial snipers as massive terrosist attacks in 2001. But when's the last time you saw a 'sniper alert level.'

I love the irony of the Iraq war. Well first of all, I think the Afghanistan war was good. They directly attacked 'those who harbor terrorists' in the Taliban. The Taliban was a group of horribly opressive war mongrels. America took them out and created political stability in Afghanistan. The way of life improved in Afghanistan. But the Iraq war is what turns my stomach.
Bush lied to the people. It's common knowledge now. He made Iraq out to look like an instable terrorist-laden nation being oppressed by an evil madman. Iraq was stable. It had a more stable goverenment than most countries in the world. So some might not agree with their brutal treatment of criminals, but it's their fucking society. America had no right to invade. How would you like to be an Iraqi? For months the President of the most powerful nation on Earth is threatening your country with war. Then one day there are bombs exploding and people dying all around you. Bush caused this horrible bloodbath and calls it the 'war on terrorism.' The war is the terrorism. So now poor Americans put on uniforms and risk death in hostile territory so rich Americans can bid on oil fields and get richer. And half of the country supports Bush?! God save America.
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