

New Member
Okay you guys so I have my babies in the paper towel and I'm trying to prepare my pots. And I have a question. When I mix my soil together do I apply water right after or do I wait until my plant is ready to be transplanted to add water I'm kinda stuck here. Any tips about preparing would be nice
Okay you guys so I have my babies in the paper towel and I'm trying to prepare my pots. And I have a question. When I mix my soil together do I apply water right after or do I wait until my plant is ready to be transplanted to add water I'm kinda stuck here. Any tips about preparing would be nice

Hi there, what I do is prepare the pots with soil no more than 1 litre pots, water the pots so you get some runoff, let it drain then plant the seeds half inch deep with tap root facing down lightly cover with a little soil on top of seed , put under low light and you should have them popping through in 24/48 hrs
Woogies right, but I start in straight coco with maybe a pinch of EWC mixed in, in a tiny seedling pot, like a shot glass-size pot. It'll be in there for a week or 2 so plenty of time before going to the litre pot.. For me, it's easier to deal with the tiny pots later and I find the roots can get a good start in the smaller space.
You want the soil moist, not wet. DO NOT OVER WATER! After you plant the seed, just spray the top of the soil with a mist of good water (rain, distilled or RO) and give it some warmth.
When she's above ground, light, light and more light!
Good luck!
I premix the soil beforehand so it's evenly moist, but never soaking wet, and I keep it warm. You won't have to water much if at all in the first couple weeks. Maybe some surface touch ups. Overwatering is the number one killer of sprouts and small seedlings.
It depends what you're growing them in.

I'm using sunshine mix which comes with a tiny amount of nutrient as a seedling starter. I don't add anything for the first couple weeks or more. Coco and promix are more likely empty of nutrition and could use some minimal amount of very weak nutrient.
Depending on how they grow and what size they're getting I'll start adding very low levels of food after they are 3-5" tall and have true leaves (not a 3" tall spindly sprout with only cotyledons on it- a small plant with actual leaves a few inches long ). I add calmag to the rainwater I use- and since calmag contains some amount of nitrogen, this feeds them a little bit as well.
That's a very vague description I've given you. I just woke up and feel bleary as hell so no doubt someone can wander in and give you something clearer.
I just don't have a set time. They don't need much food when they're small. They won't starve and suddenly keel over on you. Better to starve them a little at first, and keep an eye on what they seem to be needing, than to do what to many people do and over feed.
Weasel knows what he's talking about. Don't add anything for at least a week, more like 2 or more. Wait until they're a bit bigger with a few proper leaves, and start out with half or quarter strength til you know the plant is fine with it....
Like he ^ said!
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