Pre flower


420 Member
I have a clone that is beginning to pre flower. Im in Mich. and its June 19th. Is rhis normal? There is very visible white hairs showeing at the nodes. I just started using Fox Farm big bloom a week ago. What is the best fert. to use? And should i use something different now?
A pre-flower used to mean that a female plant was showing a single stigma/pistil at just about every new node. Once it started to do that it pretty much did the one new one but never formed a bud until the photo-period plant was into a 12/12 lighting schedule. Now a lot of people will say that it is a sign that the plant will start growing full buds in a matter of days.

I like the older meaning to pre-flower that it was nothing more than the plant indicating that it was mature enough to start budding when the length of dark was enough.

Im in Mich. and its June 19th. Is rhis normal?
I figure it is normal enough. My outdoor plants, here in the Detroit metro area, will start to form more than one stigma/pistil about the 10th to the 15th of August though I have had a few start to show at about the 5th.

It can be a bit earlier the further north you go but I think that it is mostly just a couple of days earlier.
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