Pounds of weed smoked daily!(crazy)


New Member
in class today i learned that in one day in america there is 85,000 POUNDS of marijuana smoked. thats crazy but im happy to say ive contributed many times. :cool:
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

I think I've smoke about 20 pounds in my life so far. At about 2 oz a month for the last 14 years. That some like 21 pounds but I've smoked less at times in my life so probably around 20 pounds. Anyone else want to guess how much you've smoked in your life?
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

Hmmmm thats difficult, to myself in the previous 4 years.... roughly 90 pounds.

but thats just an estimate, a couple of months i went on smoking 6-8 ounces per week of really nice m39 (big bud x a medicinal strain of unknown origin) but thats when i had an unlimited supply at my disposal so I made it my new years resolution to see how much pot I could smoke in a year, though After like 6 months of progressively smoking more and more I realized that what i was doing was just defeating the purpose of smoking herb in the first place. In the reality that the cannabis smoking wasn't really accentuating anything, it was just incessant, to the extent of sobriety and inebriation assimilating which caused neither to be available. That led to the revelation that there should be a cessation in my herb smoking and when i did start again I should nullify my intake and my level of involvement in distribution(Not that the extra money wasn't nice but it didn't compensate for the sheer amount of stress involved) so for the 2years or so i've been smoking between 20grams - an ounce per week.

So I'm sure that estimate is somewhat accurate.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

vtotheitothenny said:
in class today i learned that in one day in america there is 85,000 POUNDS of marijuana smoked. thats crazy but im happy to say ive contributed many times. :cool:
:hmmmm: Hey I gotta question ! Why do ya have two threads going about the exact same topic ? ?
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

OnionGobbler said:
a couple of months i went on smoking 6-8 ounces per week of really nice m39 (big bud x a medicinal strain of unknown origin)

i dont mean to call you a lier, but are you really serious about smoking an OZ (28g) everyday for a couple of months. wow... i totally dont see the point of that. i mean i love to endulge and consider myself a heavy smoker. like 1 OZ a week. but 6-8 a week, you couldnt have done anything else then smoking all day (not that there anything wrong with that but dude, how the fuck did you manage to do this???).
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

jeeper said:
:hmmmm: Hey I gotta question ! Why do ya have two threads going about the exact same topic ? ?

maybee their both in the same class.... ih nevermind it is the same person, he's probably too stoned to rememember if he had already posted it or not
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

OnionGobbler said:
Hmmmm thats difficult, to myself in the previous 4 years.... roughly 90 pounds.

but thats just an estimate, a couple of months i went on smoking 6-8 ounces per week of really nice m39 (big bud x a medicinal strain of unknown origin) but thats when i had an unlimited supply at my disposal so I made it my new years resolution to see how much pot I could smoke in a year, though After like 6 months of progressively smoking more and more I realized that what i was doing was just defeating the purpose of smoking herb in the first place. In the reality that the cannabis smoking wasn't really accentuating anything, it was just incessant, to the extent of sobriety and inebriation assimilating which caused neither to be available. That led to the revelation that there should be a cessation in my herb smoking and when i did start again I should nullify my intake and my level of involvement in distribution(Not that the extra money wasn't nice but it didn't compensate for the sheer amount of stress involved) so for the 2years or so i've been smoking between 20grams - an ounce per week.

So I'm sure that estimate is somewhat accurate.
90 pounds? in 4 years??? that seems kinda off....but hell, who am i to say.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

Alright, for me to be able to adequately respond, it's going to take quite a copious amount of typing/elaboration .

Well like i said, I made it my objective to see how much i could physically smoke and what the negative consequences would be, if any. I was 16 in grade eleven and had been smoking herb for 2 and a half years, the herb going around my school and available to lots of the people i knew (which was reasonably large with a 2,000 + student body, 300 of which were avid tokers) was mostly crop hunted meaning extremely premature and horribly cured. Luckily at that time I had a pretty reliable connection (a few hours outside the city)that i was getting qp's from for a little while, though he made it abundantly clear he would deliver quantity of kickass cannabis to me if i placed an order a day in advance, the more i grabbed the cheaper it was. Two thousand a p and 3800 for a key (keep in mind this is Canadian currency) etc...

After a short time many people(some of these people were on my hockey team so which meant they were from all over the city and surrounding area) who'd smoke some product with me and would be astounded by its quality and subsequently the quantity they received apon purchase, especially compared to the stuff they were used to getting.
After while I became reasonably reputable around 5 of the high schools in the city, with alot of my brothers friends and also a few of my friends parents/uncles who'd smoke some of their stash and be impressed enough to inquire as to where they got it from and try and obtain some themselves.

This led to me obtaining a reasonably large quantity (2 kilo's at some points) at a specific time each week,
This is when i made the decision to see how much i could smoke, since I profit to burn (literally) so I bought a really nice bong which i brought to school everyday after my wake and bake and met up with random people who would invite me to their houses where we'd commence to start blazing until roughly noon where I'd cab it home and invite a buddy over and watch newly acquired dvd's and play video games order food whilst continuing the perpetual session until my friend(s) left fried out of their mind(s) when my parents got home around 6, but i just keeped on trucking due to my high tolerence and unlimited supply the only thing which I stopped for was to go to hockey practice or a game(even after games i'd smoke a fat ass joint before the ride home). Every week from selling on average 1-2 kilos (1000-2000 grams or 2.1 - 4.2 pounds) Mostly in Ounce(usually $175) and quarter pound($600) denominations I'd make back on average( if i grabbed 2 keys) $5500 (it would be more if money was my objective, but I wanted to maintain a good customer base so some of my profit went into giving out extra herb when i deemed fit) So i had on average i should have $ 1800 a week profit but i usually had about $200-300 because the money was disposed on dvd's, food, and superfluous crap, totally random shit which i have nothing to show for now (example, I'd get someone to grab me a texas mickey for a party and get everyone drunk, but only after i was loaded off my ass)
BUT, The vast majority of that weekly profit went just to the cannabis which for a while , i smoked like a chimney, as if it was my job. That's when i was smoking up to half a pound a week.
Then after about 6 months i'd got to the extent where i was sick and tired of changing the bong water and ash catcher water up to 15 times a day, and i wasn't even getting a buzz unless it was my first toke of the day. I could roll up a 7 gram blunt and be sober 15 mins after it was done. thats when i decided to stop and my first post takes it from here.

So that crazy half year combined with my other 3 years of distribution and smoking herb avidly ( up to an oz a week) seemed to me at the time to be about 80 - 90 pounds, but now that i actually had to add it all up it seems to be more around 60- 70 pounds.

I didn't think i'd every have to type all that out, but I can't make a claim that would seem outrageous to most people mostly because most people buy it straight up and paying for that quantity in straight cash would be a fucking fortune, and like i discovered its fucking pointless.

But In retrospect, it was an rather enlightening experience... after I nullified my usage that is.

-The Gobbler of Onions
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

An ounce of the good stuff is all i'd want per week. Some weekends i'll smoke an ounce but i try and keep it to an ounce a week or so.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

i used to slang a little bit (hps and lbs) and stayed high...probably about an ounce and a half every month. pretty reasonable for a dealer.:cough:
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

KandyFlippa' said:
i used to slang a little bit (hps and lbs) and stayed high...probably about an ounce and a half every month. pretty reasonable for a dealer.:cough:

Yeah but your objective was to make as much profit as possible, correct?
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

Let's see.. 40 years.. a BUNCH!:shhh:
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

OnionGobbler said:
Yeah but your objective was to make as much profit as possible, correct?
of course, but i just had so much extra to toss around i never worried about profit, b/c business was so good

ne-ways i'm high right now:smokin3:
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

I've only smoked about 12 or 13 bowls, started two weeks ago but dont have a pipe or anything of my own yet, but when I get that I'll start contributing
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

i'm broke so i can only smoke a quarter every week, but thats good. back when i had money i was smoking half an oz ever week. i've probably smoked a qp in all.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

I'd have to say maybe 8 pounds or so for me. I haven't been tokin for more than 5 years and believe it or not I don't choose to smoke that much. One bowl gets me high, that's all I need for a session.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

At the end of last school year i was smokin about a half ounce a week but when summer started i was smokin either a 1/4 or 1/2 O a day for about a month and a half until i got arrested and put on probation. Now i smoke about a gram to half eighth a day. In all ive probably smoked around 4-5 pounds total.
Re: pounds of weed smoked daily!!!(crazy)

OnionGobbler said:
so for the last* 2 years I've been smoking...
if you have ot smoke 6-8 pounds of weed per week taht is garbage weed your smoking
i can barely smoke a quarter a day to myself, 1 hit of my good ole lung will keep me fuckin stoned for at least 2 hours b4 i need more
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