Potted outdoor plant


New Member
Hi im new to growing i just tried my first experimental plant. I just potted it like i would any other plant i grow like tomatoes and grapes and such only i made the soil a little less compact , more fluffy i guess you could say. well eternal story short...It is a female but i think i might have a hermaphrodite on my hands. probably turned because of the heat in the desert or the fact i stressed it with organic pest control spray (almost died but brought it back.) I was just wondering, is there anything i can do to get some fruit off of this thing or is all the love and care for nothing and its a lost cause. :(...

sorry if this is the 10,000th thread like this but i just found what may be a pollen sack maybe on a couple places where the little hairs usually grow and am very upset since this has been so fun up to this point.
nevermind, on day 8 of 12/12 and this baby has NO balls (sweet) it was a second set of leaves coming from a node that had one coming in strong already. which is why i thought it looked like a pollen sack.:high-five:
I started out with 12-1~2 inch high seedlings on May 31st. Each plant had it's own saucer filled with compost/mulch. Watered them every other day with B1 for about a week. Plants took off. Continued watering regularly less than once a week thereafter - even went 2 weeks a couple of times. Had a really nice sea of green jungle going. Got pics in the Gallery...you'll see.

After only 11~12 weeks of vegetation a good portion of the plants began to sex around the very last day of July to the first/second day of August. Most of them turned out to be males.

Down to only 3 plants now - 2 females and a stubborn one that still hasn't sexed.

One of the 2 females is past the pre-flower stage with buds developing nicely. The other female - not quite progressed passed the pre-flowering stage; might be in full bloom this weekend or middle of next week.

Yeah...that 3rd plant, the un-sexed one, got plenty of nodes that aren't do much of anything.

No fertilzers being used or artificial lighting.

Weather's been UNUSUALLY cool and cloudy around here lately in southern California. Been living in this area most of my life (40+ years) and...never experienced anything like this.
nevermind, on day 8 of 12/12 and this baby has NO balls (sweet) it was a second set of leaves coming from a node that had one coming in strong already. which is why i thought it looked like a pollen sack.:high-five:

Thats great news to hear. im in the same situation you were in. check out thes pics of my possible hermie.
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