Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger

Speaking privately with Richard Nixon in 1971, the late Art Linkletter offered this view on the use of marijuana versus alcohol. "When people smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."

"That's right, that's right," Nixon agreed. "A person does not drink to get drunk A person drinks to have fun."

The following year Linkletter announced that he had reversed his position on pot, concluding instead that the drug's social harms were not significant enough to warrant its criminal prohibition. Nixon however stayed the course -- launching the so-called "war" on drugs, a social policy that now results in the arrest of more than 800,000 Americans each year for violating marijuana laws.

Decades later, the social debate regarding the use of marijuana versus alcohol rages on. Yet among objective experts who have studied the issue there remains little debate at all. Despite pot's long-standing criminalization, scientists agree that the drug possesses far less harm than its legal and celebrated companion, alcohol.

For example, in the mid-1990s, the World Health Organization commissioned a team of experts to compare the health and societal consequences of marijuana use compared to other drugs, including alcohol, nicotine, and opiates. After quantifying the harms associated with both drugs, the researchers concluded: "Overall, most of these risks (associated with marijuana) are small to moderate in size. In aggregate they are unlikely to produce public health problems comparable in scale to those currently produced by alcohol and tobacco On existing patterns of use, cannabis poses a much less serious public health problem than is currently posed by alcohol and tobacco in Western societies."

French scientists at the state medical research institute INSERM published a similar review in 1998. Researchers categorized legal and illegal drugs into three distinct categories: Those that pose the greatest threat to public health, those that pose moderate harms to the public, and those substances that pose little-to-no danger. Alcohol, ******, and ******* were placed in the most dangerous category, while investigators determined that cannabis posed the least danger to public health.

In 2002, a special Canadian Senate Committee completed an exhaustive review of marijuana and health, concluding, "Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis is substantially less harmful than alcohol and should be treated not as a criminal issue but as a social and public health issue."

In 2007, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare hired a team of scientists to assess the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on public health. Researcher reported that the consumption of alcohol was significant contributors to death and disease. "Alcohol harm was responsible for 3.2 percent of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia," they concluded. By comparison, cannabis use was responsible for zero deaths and only 0.2 percent of the estimated total burden of disease and injury in Australia.

Such findings are not just relegated to overseas. In 1989, a California state research advisory panel conducted its own review of the health effects of pot and alcohol. They, like their international peers, concluded, "(A)n objective consideration of marijuana shows that it is responsible for less damage to the individual and to society than are alcohol and cigarettes."

For more than three decades, America's marijuana policies have been based upon rhetoric. Perhaps it's time to begin listening to what the experts have to say.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: AlterNet
Author: Paul Armentano
Copyright: 2010 AlterNet
yeah, cause people don't drink to get drunk..

or, falling down drunk, is one's idea of a good time? lol
I guess Nixon never went to College?:rolleyes3
It took an expert to figure that one out? Wow, everyone that I know must be experts.

Speaking privately with Richard Nixon in 1971, the late Art Linkletter offered this view on the use of marijuana versus alcohol. "When people smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."

Translation: People drink in order to artificially lower their inhibitions.

That ought to have been enough to correctly decide the issue.
Speaking privately with Richard Nixon in 1971, the late Art Linkletter offered this view on the use of marijuana versus alcohol. "When people smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."..."A person does not drink to get drunk a person drinks to have fun."

The pretense that this notion is based on is laughable at best. It forces us to conclude that...

1. The person has no responsibility. It is the substance which one chooses to ingest that is to blame for his actions, be they moral or immoral.

2. All people are exactly alike. No single free thinking and choosing individual can possibly abuse a substance only because it is not the "norm".

In my opinion, it's this line of thinking (or lack thereof) continuing to this day that is turning our country sour. Shirking responsibility for your own actions and making wildly exaggerated overgeneralizations.

Of course, Mr. Nixon might be a certified expert on that. :peace:
In my opinion, it's this line of thinking (or lack thereof) continuing to this day that is turning our country sour. Shirking responsibility for your own actions and making wildly exaggerated overgeneralizations.
couldn't agree more..
don't forget entitlement syndrome :) (my daughter has it.. you know, where she thinks she is entitled to everything)
Liquor is currently the most dangerous drug on the planet.

Nothing does the damage that liquor does, around the world, on a daily basis.

And besides all the mental things that booze does to make one act out stupidly, one can legally go to the store and buy enough booze to sit in a public place and drink oneself to death.
Liquor is currently the most dangerous drug on the planet.

Nothing does the damage that liquor does, around the world, on a daily basis.

And besides all the mental things that booze does to make one act out stupidly, one can legally go to the store and buy enough booze to sit in a public place and drink oneself to death.

I would have to agree wholeheartedly with Roorman...it's not alcohol or guns or nuclear weapons that are dangerous....it's the individual that uses or abuses these things.
In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."

Isn't that called an oxymoron? In every case, when most politicians open their mouths, they remove all doubt.
Hogdady you made my spit my water out with that one.LOL

Anyway i drink and smoke .No tabaco used to do the other doctor drug thing
drinking shouldnt be flamed here its people not whatever they do.

I know people who are a total ass when drunk .Most people dont even
notice if i been drinking .It is about how stable someone is alky
puts people at ease enough to see defects i guess.

BTW the opiates docs prescribe are very very very addicting and in my
opinion over prescribed .
The best part of it all, at least in my case. When I became more of what you would call a faithful, alcohol doesn't even taste good and just makes me feel groggy. A bag O' weed is all I need. :)

It is nice to see more and more studies that place mj in the spotlight though. Just makes it that much closer to legalization.
I drink to kill the pain in my back.
Unfortunately it takes a lot.
Back before I got into making my own, I would drink about 1/2 a quart of everclear a night to get the pain to a manageable level where I could sleep.
Expensive and hard on th e stomach to say the least.
Over time, I have managed to work out the "correct" mixture of grain alcohol and a variety of the pills the quacks have prescribed me. It brings the pain to an acceptable level but it also makes me very fucked up.
On the other hand, a couple of shots of grain alcohol with a joint, makes my back pain diminish just as well, and does not leave me incapacitated. Main reason I am growing is so I can start making tinctures, which from what I have researched, have less of the stoniness of smoking, and that they may make it possible for me to put away the worm and pot still.
I hate to say it on this forum, but the high from pot is not all that good IMNSHO, and not really what I am looking for. I'd really like to see pot legalized so the big pharma (don't shoot me) can throw a few hundred millions at it and isolate the part that makes my back pain recede and separate it from the stone.
You might look at different strains and their differing strengths and ratios of THC, THCΔ9, CBD, CBN, et cetera. For some people/conditions wild or industrial hemp might even be a good choice - even though their minimal levels of THC would provide no "high."
I've thought about that, but I live in a non-MM state, and getting seeds through the mail is not a risk I am willing to take.
Other than this board, the only person who knows I grow or even use marijuana is me and my two dogs, and they ain't going to snitch me out.
I am growing several plants now and will be cloning the females once they sex. That way I can see which one works the best. Might even fiddle around with cross-breeding a few of them if I can figure out the space/energy requirements within my budget.
sucks about your back pain,, I couldn't even imagine having to deal with pain like that.

Other than this board, the only person who knows I grow or even use marijuana is me and my two dogs, and they ain't going to snitch me out

one of the things I really like about this board, is that is lets me share my grows and stuff, and still be anonymous, fills that urge to share.. :)

:goodluck: on your breeding attempts,, be careful playing with pollen, it can get to your whole crop pretty quick..

oh, and, umm,,, I like attitude seeds.. :) just a FYI..
What are attitude seeds?
The pain is bad. Usually around a 7 or 8 on a 24/7 basis. It caused me to close a highly profitable business because I could not deal with the pain and the stress of running a company.
Doctors, back when I had health insurance, told me they did not want to operate because the surgery made the pain stop for about 30% of the folks that had it with no problems, made the pain stop but left the person pretty much crippled for about 30% and the surgery did not stop the pain and left the person pretty much crippled for the remaining 40%. So the odds were very bad, and they consensus was until the pain got to a point where medication and my own level of tolerance could not handle it any more, they did not want to cut on me.

It is what it is, or at least that what I keep telling myself.
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