Post Your Root Art!


Well-Known Member
High all! Just thought I would start a thread dedicated to roots, as they could use more respect! Please post interesting photos of roots, dirt or hydro, and lets see what you have!

Blueberry in 15 gallon pot.

Blueberry in 15 gallon pot

Blue Cookies in 15 gallon pot

Crown Royale in 15 gallon pot, almost a sealed carpet!


  • IMG_20200318_183105698.jpg
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Do you not reuse your soil??
Never, I don't feel its worth the risk. One lg bale of Sunshine #4 peat will fill 3 15 gallon pots and costs $25 bucks on sale at Home Depot. So about 8 bucks a plant a regular run. Compared to my electrical at $100 a plant, and Ro water at about the same, and its the least of my costs. Plus no probs with salt buildup or pests.
This is the perfect example of how air pruning works, No swirling and roots choking themselves. Great pics, you should send those to the pot manufacturer maybe they use them and toss you a few coin.
They are knockoffs of the super roots pots, worth every penny!!! Lol
Oops... I misunderstood your meaning of root. Luckily I figured it out before I posted and avoided a fiasco. :oops:
Never, I don't feel its worth the risk. One lg bale of Sunshine #4 peat will fill 3 15 gallon pots and costs $25 bucks on sale at Home Depot. So about 8 bucks a plant a regular run. Compared to my electrical at $100 a plant, and Ro water at about the same, and its the least of my costs. Plus no probs with salt buildup or pests.
It always amazes how many types of growers are out there. diversity is cool, I am cheap hillbilly hippy type dude, so I reuse all my soil. Keep growing!
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