Post Overgrow Paranoia, Feelings of all that is lovely.


New Member
When this site doesn't load, for me I feel like I could be losing another wealth of information, forum of friends, and much more than that.. A feeling like to; not knowing where home is, this feeling grips my insides and holds on tight. Then I smoke a bowl, reflect, and the sites usually up by then (last reflection took me over an hour). :smokin:

What do you feel when the site isn't immediately responding alive and OK?

I refresh and refresh and refresh every toke until i forget what i'm doing or get my fix or forum. I check the grow journals about 4 times a day and all the general forums whenever I have some extra time on my hands. Its like another hobby along with mind expansion and cultivation. +reps S.Fla for provoking all the good emotions derived from this society.
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