Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoes

A squad of police officers who raided a family home in search of a cannabis factory were suitably red-faced when they unearthed nothing but TOMATO plants.

James Diamond woke to find a burly policeman in his bedroom telling him they were about to 'take apart' his supposed drugs factory.

But their search proved fruitless when they found nothing more sinister than three tomato plants growing in his back garden, and the embarrassed crime fighters left empty-handed.

Yesterday Mr Diamond, a 34-year-old father of two, said he was fast asleep when the 15-member drugs squad burst into his home in Bream, Gloucestershire.

He said: 'It was very frightening. I woke up to see a huge policeman standing in my bedroom and he said: "We are here to take your cannabis factory apart."

'There were officers all over the house and in the back garden and they said that no one was allowed to leave the house.'

Mr Diamond, who works at a garden centre, had just returned from a family holiday in Turkey and was still asleep upstairs along with his three-year-old son Syrus.

He was informed that officers were executing a search warrant 'as a result of information from the local neighbourhood'.

Mr Diamond, who says he has never been in trouble with the police, and lives with his fiancee Debbie Baker, an NHS chiropodist, added: 'It's shocking to me that someone can just ring up the police and that justifies them getting a warrant and searching your home.

'It was scary for Syrus, who got quite upset when he saw police everywhere.'

The police, who were let into the home just after 10:30am on Wednesday morning by electricians who were re-wiring at the property, later admitted that they had been given incorrect information.

Inspector Chris Thorley, of Gloucestershire police, said: 'We executed a search warrant at an address in Bream as a result of information received from the local neighbourhood.

'No drugs were found but would like to stress that we take such action because we know that concerns about drug crime is something people like us to address swiftly.'

A simultaneous raid carried out by police at a home in Clearwell, three miles away, resulted in the seizure of 75 cannabis plants. A 35-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of drug cultivation.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Mail Online
Author: Luke Salkeld
Contact: Mail Online
Copyright: 2010 Associated Newspapers Ltd
Website: Police drug busters red-faced as cannabis raid uncovers nothing more than ... three tomato plants
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

wow, what BS... and if he had a dog,, it would have been shot, right? and they justify the raid
'No drugs were found but would like to stress that we take such action because we know that concerns about drug crime is something people like us to address swiftly.'
OMFG,, bunch of terrorists,,

so now what about the trauma they put that fmaily and child through,, how about child endangerment charges against them? hopefully he can sue the hell out of them
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

All the cops got fired, lost their pensions and are in jail awaiting terrorism charges, right?

and the 'informant' was promptly slapped with a multi million dollar libel suit, by the cops and the tomato farmer, yes?

We will never win this war if we dont start playing like they would...
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

All the cops got fired, lost their pensions and are in jail awaiting terrorism charges, right?

and the 'informant' was promptly slapped with a multi million dollar libel suit, by the cops and the tomato farmer, yes?

We will never win this war if we dont start playing like they would...

I would love to see that,,, if it were me, I would start so many law suits, for ecery aspect I could, separate ones against every cop as well, and a john doe lawsuit against the informant,, (like the RIAA does).. even if I lost them all, it would be worth it to drag themn all through court, and cost them a bunch of legal fees :)
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

Id be suing ford for making the crown vic's they rolled up in, the doughnut shop for getting them all amped on caffeine and high fructose corn syrup, and the uniform shop for selling them such scary costumes...and thats just for starters.
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

Id be suing ford for making the crown vic's they rolled up in, the doughnut shop for getting them all amped on caffeine and high fructose corn syrup, and the uniform shop for selling them such scary costumes...and thats just for starters.

lol :rofl: :slide::hookah:
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

id be suing ford for making the crown vic's they rolled up in, the doughnut shop for getting them all amped on caffeine and high fructose corn syrup, and the uniform shop for selling them such scary costumes...and thats just for starters.

Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

He said: 'It was very frightening. I woke up to see a huge policeman standing in my bedroom...


Damn, that brings back some old memories. I can tell you that few things let you know you're alive like waking up to a sight like that.

These officers don't seem organized enough to be terrorists. Seems more like high school bravado except when things go wrong here people potentially die.

Being a paid informant should be illegal; it's a cowardice tactic used by impotent enforcers. An informant that provides "incorrect information" should be incarcerated and deprived of all protective custody.

What happened to the right to face the accuser?
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

No one wants to revile how much money was spent in the shit raid will they?

Pigs get overtime and swat wadges when they do this shit, they could give a shit if they found something or not the pigs still get the big money for the botch raid.
Re: Police Drug Busters Red-Faced As Cannabis Raid Uncovers Nothing More Than Tomatoe

Id be suing ford for making the crown vic's they rolled up in, the doughnut shop for getting them all amped on caffeine and high fructose corn syrup, and the uniform shop for selling them such scary costumes...and thats just for starters.

lol,right on you made my day!:bravo:
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