Plz Help! What is this to much nutes?


420 Member
Looks more like something was dripped on it that was caustic or maybe strong nutes. If it was nutrient excess, you would see burning on all of the leaf tips, not random chunks like that.
Looks more like something was dripped on it that was caustic or maybe strong nutes. If it was nutrient excess, you would see burning on all of the leaf tips, not random chunks like that.
K but it's only been 2 days and lower leaves are turning yellow too.
K but it's only been 2 days and lower leaves are turning yellow too.
Lower leaves can do that for many reasons, but it is pretty rare to be caused by excess nutes. (lockout is the only way it happens from excess, and then you would see the symptoms of which nute was locked out, not an overall just yellow leaf)
The most common reasons are overwatering and not enough light to the lowers. The plant can just decide to drain a leaf and drop it if it is not producing food for her, even when she has food available at the roots.

A full pic of the plant and more info on how (and how often) you feed/water, what you feed, what your medium is, and any other pertinent info you would like to add.
K but it's only been 2 days and lower leaves are turning yellow too.
I have the feeling that when you typed K you were going for OK;). But you might be right that it is the signs of an early deficiency of K which is the symbol for Potassium as shown in the NPK numbers on containers of fertilizer.
Lock out can be the cause of a deficiency but still presents as a deficiency. There is no deficiency that would cause brown spots like that. Healthy green leaf with a large brown spot at the base is physical damage. Chemical or sun burn.

Older leaves on lower branches yellowing could natural. If it's an excessive amount, dropping a leaf or two daily, could be deficient NPK or mag. N the whole leaf fades to yellow. P the tip is yellow, middle brown and base is green. K the edges turn brown and yellow moves from tip to the base. Mag looks like a tie dye yellow pattern all over the leaf with brown tips. If any of these descriptions fit, but you know the nutrient in deficiency is defiantly at the roots, it could be a lock out causing it. Here is the nutrient lock out chart if you end up needing it. Too much of the left column element stops the plant from absorbing ( a deficiency of ) the right column element.

and lower leaves are turning yellow too.
Leaves turning yellow is common for Potassium shortages and also if not enough Nitrogen is available. The fingers on the leaf in your first msg are already showing more yellow than some of the other fingers in the same photo.

As mentioned it will help a lot if you can tell us the proper name of the fertilizer or fertilizers if it is a multiple style or if you are using several different types. Also helps to know how much is being used each feeding, and how often the feedings. And, is the plant in flower already? If so, how far into flower?

A photo of the plant from the side showing the entire profile from top to the bottom and include part of the container it is being grown in will help a lot. I have noticed that often enough that these symptoms start to develop when the container is small and the plant is large.
There is no deficiency that would cause brown spots like that. Healthy green leaf with a large brown spot at the base is physical damage.
According to the Cervantes guide to excesses and deficiencies a shortage of Potassium starts off with a few brown spots which get more numerous and larger. There can be a yellowing of the leaf, often started along the edges.

I have included a couple of charts on basic Cannabis plant excesses and deficiency issues though the popular Cervantes' one is a bit out of focus. Also, similar spots and colors are common signs in the photos that show up when I do a google search using:
signs of potassium deficiency in plants
and then click on "Images". The images page that comes up not only has tomatoes, grapes and common vegetables but several photos of Cannabis leaves that look very, very similar to what is starting to show on the example in the first message.

The early stages of a Potassium deficiency.

the pic he provided doesn't really back it. it looks a lot more like splash damage. it's not definitive enough to rule it out but it's not really the right look for it either.
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