Please Help!


New Member
So I just got my hands on a pretty decent sized unfinished cabinet but other than that, I literally have no idea what to do. I've been floating around the forums trying to pick up little bits and pieces but everyone talks about everything like pros haha so the question that lies here is: Can someone please give me a detailed guide for a novice first-time grower's setup? Meaning: Everything I will need, How to actually go about growing, and any and every tip you pros have! All input is useful, thanks all.
There are so many things you can do and there's a 100 different ways to do it LOL. But to help you get started, here are some things you should start looking at:

-Lights (for obvious reasons lol)
-Ventilation (plants need to breathe)
-How you want to grow (soil/hydro - nutrients? - grow "style"?)
-What you want to grow (type of plants? - all from seed? - goals?)

This stuff will mostly be dictated by your goals (yield, quality), how much time you have on your hands, budget, grow space, and finally tweaked with personal preference. This is just my opinion of course. If you have any questions with specific details I'd love to help. Your question is way too general. Something like what lights should I go with if I want to stick with a low budget low heat? (specific) are easier to answer :).
agree with ismokes- leesters link is awesome, i refer to it everytime i am stumped on something, and just remember, they are weeds, they will grow on there own, just start em and most stuff will come to ya from experience... I am a novice grower who was overwhelmed too but its easy once you get going :) And have that thread to refer too !!
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