Please Help! Plant Dying!


Active Member
Good day all,

I have a White Widow in Hydro (DWC) that is 5 weeks into flowering and it has started to die. I first noticed that the leaves on one entire branch from top to bottom started to wilt. The roots look great PH has been between 5.6 and 6.0 for its entire grow. I use GH Flora series nutes and run at about 800 PPM. Water temp is about 62-65F. Room temp 65F at night and 75-80 during the day. It is growing under a 600W HPS light.

The one thing I have discovered is that when I pinch off one of the wilting leaves foam comes out (air bubbles). When I pinch off a leaf that isn't wilting, just water comes out. Yesterday it was one branch, today 2 more have started the wilt....I don't know what to do.

Any help greatly appreciated. I have flushed the plant but it made no difference.

What's the roots look like? Since your temps are getting above 72 are you using z7,hydroguard or something like them? If not you could have root rot.
Your saying water temp is 62-65 but if your room temp is 80 then your water has to be getting close to that unless you have a chiller or something. Can you post a pic of roots?
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