New Member
Ok i took a drug test monday 5/12 thru medtox lab for my job, i had smoked a week and a half ago took a drug test one of my buddies gave me from a staffing agency and failed for thc so i went to a smoke shop and bought a vale detox drink and prevail vitamins and another drug test but only for thc all day sunday i drank wAter sunday night i took the thc test and passed with a faint line following day had my drug test at 9 am so around 7:30 i drank the vale drink i peed twice before the test and kept drinking water before testing because i was afraid the pee would look to neon from all the vitamin b but since i kept slamming wAter it came out a yellow but clearish color nurse said it didn't look diluted it is now 05/14 and have been at work the past three days and they haven't said anything and i haven't gotten a call from a mro should i be worried i need to know if i failed... How can i find out?!