Please help me I'm confused


420 Member
I'm new to growing and I came across some nutes free from an acquaintance. I have been using fox farm grow big since I got my clones. I was also given big bud for flowering stage. I just got some tiger bloom finally. I have used that before while helping my ex in his garden.
My question..... My plant started flowering a little over 2 weeks ago. And I started giving the big bud. Now I finally have one of the nutes I know a little about . I want to give the tiger bloom. Sorry for giving you the long way about it. Anyway,
I know I can give the tiger bloom now since she started
Her flower stage. But do I continue to give the grow big and big bud at the same time.
Or do I stop giving the grow big
And continue the big bud along with the tiger bloom. Or do I stop the big bud and the grow big and only feed the tiger bloom.? I am so confused. Can someone please tell me what I need to do. Side note... the smallest is an unknown type. I being a newbie started it from a seed I had collected out a bag of smoke many years ago. And even though I stunted her growth by almost drowning her in the beginning. She is strong and a survivor. I'm sure she will provide me with some tasty,potent, and high quality grade A smoke.
Hey sweet freebies 👍 . And nice looking plants you got .

So to answer your question YES they absolutely can be used together. The grow big and the big bud are only two of the parts of the three part series. The one your are missing is big bloom from the "fox farms trio". There are other stuff they say you can add which you can see in the chart below.

And just a quick tip... The fox farms line will leave salt build up in the soil and will need to "flushed" and is even recommended using the sledgehammer flush.....but water will do just fine 👌.

Hope this helps .
I'm new to growing and I came across some nutes free from an acquaintance. I have been using fox farm grow big since I got my clones. I was also given big bud for flowering stage. I just got some tiger bloom finally. I have used that before while helping my ex in his garden.
My question..... My plant started flowering a little over 2 weeks ago. And I started giving the big bud. Now I finally have one of the nutes I know a little about . I want to give the tiger bloom. Sorry for giving you the long way about it. Anyway,
I know I can give the tiger bloom now since she started
Her flower stage. But do I continue to give the grow big and big bud at the same time.
Or do I stop giving the grow big
And continue the big bud along with the tiger bloom. Or do I stop the big bud and the grow big and only feed the tiger bloom.? I am so confused. Can someone please tell me what I need to do. Side note... the smallest is an unknown type. I being a newbie started it from a seed I had collected out a bag of smoke many years ago. And even though I stunted her growth by almost drowning her in the beginning. She is strong and a survivor. I'm sure she will provide me with some tasty,potent, and high quality grade A smoke.
I'll be honest I mix Fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom together in a 5 gallon bucket to feed my ladies I also mix Fox farm happy frog with Fox farm ocean. I do the same with my clones except I Dial it down when veg stage in a gallon jug but only Fox farm veg then big with tiger in bloom. But your plants look good, I had one this year budding outside since July of 2024 so I wouldn't worry about it just pay special attention to her and feed her the rest will follow. Good luck and don't give up, just takes time and care. ✌️✌️✌️
But do I continue to give the grow big and big bud at the same time.
Or do I stop giving the grow big
And continue the big bud along with the tiger bloom. Or do I stop the big bud and the grow big and only feed the tiger bloom.? I am so confused. Can someone please tell me what I need to do.
Use the Fox Farm feeding schedule that @HappyHazmat88 posted. Sometimes local garden centers, grow and hydro shops have the schedule. Or call Fox Farm and ask them to send you a paper copy of the latest schedule. Several years ago I called Fox Farm just to go over some ideas and pick up tips. They mailed me copies of the schedule and a booklet of all their products.

During that phone call they told me that the schedule is best when all three of the bottles shown in the green section are available. Once you have all three use the amounts shown since they will complement each other. If you do not have all three then use the amounts from the back of the bottle since the slightly higher dose will partly compensate for the missing bottle or bottles.

The Big Bud that you have is not a Fox Farm product. You did not mention which Big Bud bottle you have since the company makes two versions with different NPK ratios. They might all work well together or it is possible that one of the macro nutrient levels will be too strong.
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