It's Wednesday and it is around 8:30 pm. So i have a drug test on Saturday...blood and urine. I am not a regular smoker either. The last time i smoked was on Monday (4-5 hits from a Gram) and before that was on Friday(took some good puffs from a gram). I weigh 60kg i think thats about 130 pounds. What is the best way and easiest way to detox yourself for blood and urine. I read some where that for infrequent smokers THC stays in your blood for 3-4 hours after smoking and THC by-product stays for 2-3 days after smoking. I don't know if I should be worried about the blood test or not because I don't know if that is a myth or not. For the urine test, I know you can exercise and workout but I don't sweat a lot for some reason (I'm not saying I don't sweat at all, but I don't sweat that much). I am also drinking lots and lots of water (not enough to kill myself though. lol) and also some cranberry juice. But what are some other good ways to do it? PLEASE HELP!