Please help - Don't know what it could be


420 Member
Hello every one.I am new to the site and this is my first time growing ever. I have an indoor set up but having problems with my seedlings they were doing fine and all of a sudden they got brown spots on the leaves and some just do not look right, im posting pics of my plants and my seedling set up. I know the set up is over kill but I just made use of an oven I found and just turned it into a seedling incubator I get free co2 because of my work so wanted to make use of it I just mention this because if its mold i want to know if its because of the setup I built?but mostly just want some over all opinions on the setup ,im not sure if its a mold or im not giving them something

the temp inside is between 80 to 85 ( was told if using c02 to keep it in the 80s)
humidity is between 70 to 76%
co2 ppms are over 3000 ( i know way over kill but i just have the co2 tank go off once a day really low on a timer for about 5 min)

like i said this is my first time growing and just wanted to see what im doing wrong any help would be greatly appreciated ( i work in the low voltage and solar field if any one needs any info on security system's,cameras
cat5,cat6 cash and valuable hide away boxes,or any thing having to do with solar energy I can help) I apologize for the font and gamer i did this on my cell phone and really need the help!!!!!! i will post more pics of the setup
It looks like overwatering by watering too often to me. I also suspect that with that double cup idea, your plants are actually sitting in water.

Cannabis needs to dry out between waterings, all the way to the very bottom. If the bottom roots can not get oxygen each wet/dry cycle, they will go into a hibernation mode, trying to survive the flood. This shutting down of the lower roots causes the yellowing that you are seeing at the bottom, and the puffiness of the leaves at the top, that are trying to increase their surface area to evaporate as much water as they can as fast as they can.

Let them dry out, and don't let them sit in stagnant water, and I think they will start looking healthier. Do some searching for the "lift method" to tell when to water the next time... you should be going 2 or 3 days between watering at this point.
i think 3000ppm CO2 is a little bit too high,this can make problems with nutrients.
i red about 1300ppm, But I have no experience with CO2 feedings.
applause for this great grow set up:thumb:
it drains well I used two cops because the one that holds the plant is clear so i can see the roots that one has 4 drains in it,the black one has no bottom i just use it as a cover so the light wont hit the roots,but ill check to see if thats the issue
Holy shit Really????????i was told that after 1500 ppms it was just a wast because the plants does not need that much but I did not think it could harm the plant,I just thought it was better to be over then under but if to much c02 is making them like this ill turn it off for a bit and see if it helps, I use it just because its there and get it for free but i dont want to be fighting with it
Be very careful with that much co2 that you don't replace the oxygen that you need to breathe with co2. c02 is heavier than the oxygen in your air, so it sinks down to the bottom, where you are. You wouldn't be the first person to asphyxiate themselves trying to supercharge a grow op.

Oh yea I know all about co2 and dangers of gases as I also weld and fabricate,but i only use this much co2 for the incubator and thats mostly because the co2 has no way of escaping the incubator because it seals like a refrigerator and on top of that being how i used a commercial oven for this, it came with 2 40 pound magnetic pressure locks,the co2 tank only goes off for about 5 mins once a day at a really low setting. In my veg room i have it set to 1500 ppms but that room is also closed off I also have my carbon monoxide alarms bellow sleeping level in every room and around the house where my dogs sleep, i did this because i know some tanks leak and if they are not going to be outside its best to have them just in case
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