Plants look sick and seem stunted

Drew Redmond

Active Member
Strains mk ultra auto 7 L cloth pot and speedy boom auto 3 L cloth pot (smaller plant) lower leaves falling off leaves look sickly (see pictures) started 2 weeks ago seems a bit stunted , growing in a closet with just doors not ventilation maybe my issue? Temps been up to 30 degrees Celsius , heat issue? Not always that warm , also thought maybe bug issue but had 2 other plants in with them and no signs on them , just wondering what’s up with these ladies , both in promix and super soil mix , 2 months old roughly , fed tap water mixed with 3 ml cal mag 4 ml flora micro and 8 ml micro bloom , not ph problem have tested that , under a 600 watt light and humidity always kept between 50 and 60 % RH , if I’m leaving anything else out let all pulled off leaves from small speedy boom plant in photos


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I don't see grow on your list of nutes if you stop it like they tell you to way early imo the you will get them wanting more nitogen late and all your leaves will yellow out it's normal to see if you find the perfect recipe let me know I'm still searching
Over all not bad looking
I never used grow at any point threw out my grow , watched a YouTube video and stuck with that, was that a mistake, the pic is what I followed but if you or anyone recommends something different I’m open to anything !


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Why not check out multiple approaches...I read a lot of grow books on my ipad and one that gave me some inspiration was “organic marijuana soma style”...I was looking for quality for med purposes over yield for my first grow...but do want to max yield once I get my system down. I then spent a lot of time on the 420 site before I set up my grow. You will learn a lot here. Good luck!
I don't know what to tell you I have seen people in here grow with bloom nutes only I never tryed it myself but I'm a hydro guy so it wouldn't work for me but in soil I can see it
Now you do plain water in between feeds right I want to say flush them real good and get back to your feed schedule
Could be some salt buildup that's causing it
They look just like when I used to drop the grow at week 5 on my dwc plants is what got me thinking that
Hello! So plants are almost ready to harvest I’m just curious I let the plants dry out a bit to up resin production , do you water the plant again then harvest to slow the dry? My original plan was to dry them out and water the ones with less green leaves on it 2 of the plants still have lots of fan leaves I was just gonna leave those , any suggestions? Thanks!
Hello! So plants are almost ready to harvest I’m just curious I let the plants dry out a bit to up resin production , do you water the plant again then harvest to slow the dry? My original plan was to dry them out and water the ones with less green leaves on it 2 of the plants still have lots of fan leaves I was just gonna leave those , any suggestions? Thanks!
Give it a good feed and put her in the dark for 36-72 hours, then harvest.
Turned out awesome thanks guys! just curious starting my second grow popped my seeds in paper towel and planted this morning lightly watered , should I put a plastic cup over where I buried them to hold humidity and temp up ? or should I just leave them off ? Or if you guys do recommend putting clear solo cups over them till they pop out of the soil should should the cups have holes poked in it? Thanks guys!
Turned out awesome thanks guys! just curious starting my second grow popped my seeds in paper towel and planted this morning lightly watered , should I put a plastic cup over where I buried them to hold humidity and temp up ? or should I just leave them off ? Or if you guys do recommend putting clear solo cups over them till they pop out of the soil should should the cups have holes poked in it? Thanks guys!
I do humidity caps with clones only.
Regulating the soil temp is important, so if you don’t have a way of keeping the soil warm, I’d recommend getting a heating pad.
Don’t use nutes just yet, and keep the lights close. (If they aren’t too hot)
Give them a light spritz at sundown.
I should have mentioned they are autos that I will be running the like 24/7 I put the soil in the tent a few days ago and watered them and let them dry a bit before I planted my seeds the tent is about 24 degrees Celsius and 50% rh , can’t turn up heat just yet my other tent is drying and it’s around 18 degrees Celsius and 60% rh , so I should take these off ( see pic)


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2 days isnt yet alarming... keep misting twice a day... they will respond. Yes, you should always have drainage holes in the bottom of your containers or old stale water will accumulate in the bottom and will harm your plants. I don't like humidity domes either... plants in the wild come up without that help all the time, and it makes them stronger. With the domes on there you will eventually have to carefully ween them to be able to handle normal air, because they will be too weak to handle it at first (hardening off) and simply because of that, I would never use a humidity dome for seedlings. It won't hurt anything to do it... its just a pain to slowly release them from that crutch.
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