Plants are dying - Need help diagnosing and treating!

Guerilla Dr

New Member
Hi guys, I have noticed some of the big fan leaves on 3 of my plants are turning yellow and look as if they are beginning to die. The colour of the plants in general has also faded to a lighter, pale green colour over the past week. I am fairly certain that this is a nitrogen deficiency, but I can't be sure, so I want to get some second opinions before I go ahead and treat with N infused tomato feed. Here is an example of what I am dealing with at present...




Now things get a bit more messy... this is what I was referring to when I said my plants were 'dying'... I mean this plant is pretty much fucked now I figure, it's got to be... I don't have a clue what happened to her because she was looking fine 2 weeks ago, but I came back yesterday to find her like this. It looks like the leaves have been burnt somehow, possibly nute burn, although this is highly unlikely since she is in the exact same soil mix as all my other plants and none of them are suffering this problem. If anything my other plants are suffering from a lack of nutes so it doesn't really make sense. Can anyone shed some light on what has happened to this plant? The burns look pretty severe in places, I mean the ends of the leaves look red in places!...


Many thanks!
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