Plant Problem Diagnosis


Well-Known Member
I received this Koffee Cake clone a week and a half ago in a Solo cup. It looked healthy and green.

I replanted it into a grow bag with my usual medium, Pro-Mix HP with water and MaxiBloom mix with a ppm of about 400. After a few days it started to look a little yellow on the edges of the leaf and the leaves curled a bit.

I don't know what the original medium was, so I overthought and then figured it already had enough nutes in that soil and I had given it too much nutes so i gave it a light flush of water.

This is what it looks like now, not great. Likely overwatered but I still can't decide whether it overfed or hungry.

Appreciate any advice.

A plant that big in a solo cup most likely depleted the soil. The roots should have been circling the inner edge of the cup. If so, you should gently massage the roots to loosen them up. They need to grow out into the new soil. They will do it on there own but it just takes longer.

New soil, food, and environment are all stressful changes for a plant. Let it settle in for a bit an destress. The pro mix or the 400 PPM feed would have been plenty of food. Let her sit and dry out with plenty of air circulation fans then just PH water. She won't need food for at least a month and definitely not until she settles in.
If the clone you received is the one in the center of the photo it is looking good compared to the other one.

replanted it into a grow bag with my usual medium, Pro-Mix HP..........After a few days it started to look a little yellow on the edges of the leaf and the leaves curled a bit.
@Bigjake8 brought up a point I was going to mention. Your MaxiBloom is for a plant that is in the flowering stage. You have half of the 2 part Maxi Series fertilizing program from General Hydroponics. Pick up the MaxiGrow and use that until the plants have grown enough that they are ready to start flowering. More leaves, larger leaves, stronger stems will help produce larger and better buds at harvest.

The Pro-Mix HP is just peat moss and a coarse grade Perlite mixed together. It is not a dirt or compost based soil mix so it provides very little that the plants can use as a food.

Pro-Mix does not recommend an occasional feeding,...the company says that their Pro-Mix HP requires that every watering must have the appropriate fertilizer for the size and stage of the plant's growth.

Run, do not walk, to your favorite grow or hydroponic shop and pick up some MaxiGrow. The sooner you are able to start using that product which has the missing Nitrogen the better your chances that some of the leaves will recover from the shortage--not all but at least some.

Move the two seedlings to a slightly larger container ASAP and start feeding those and you should be pleasantly surprised what those plants start to look like.
A plant that big in a solo cup most likely depleted the soil. The roots should have been circling the inner edge of the cup. If so, you should gently massage the roots to loosen them up. They need to grow out into the new soil. They will do it on there own but it just takes longer.

New soil, food, and environment are all stressful changes for a plant. Let it settle in for a bit an destress. The pro mix or the 400 PPM feed would have been plenty of food. Let her sit and dry out with plenty of air circulation fans then just PH water. She won't need food for at least a month and definitely not until she settles in.
Good points. Most people overlook that the roots should be loosened up when transplanting if the plant has started to become root bound.

Waiting a month to resume fertilizing/feeding might not work. The plants have been underfed already figuring that are still in the vegetating stage and not getting a more appropriate dose of Nitrogen for starters.
as mentioned you need actual nutes not just the flowering nute. those things are starving.
Pro-mix HP has no nutritional value at all.
I received this Koffee Cake clone a week and a half ago in a Solo cup. It looked healthy and green.

I replanted it into a grow bag with my usual medium, Pro-Mix HP with water and MaxiBloom mix with a ppm of about 400. After a few days it started to look a little yellow on the edges of the leaf and the leaves curled a bit.

I don't know what the original medium was, so I overthought and then figured it already had enough nutes in that soil and I had given it too much nutes so i gave it a light flush of water.

This is what it looks like now, not great. Likely overwatered but I still can't decide whether it overfed or hungry.

Appreciate any advice.

She looks overwatered for sure.
This causes a nutrient deficiency.
I'd let the pot dry really well then feed full strength nutrients.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for the help from everyone. The consensus is that this plant needs more nutrients.

Makes sense and I was over thinking it. I'm also taking the advice to let it dry out a little also first.

I usually get a way with Maxibloom for the full run but I think the post above was right that the clone had likely used up everything in the solo cup when I received it and so it was already hungry when I replanted it and not feeding right away hurt it.

I've started feeding and I'll watch how it does in the coming week.

Thanks again for the help.
as mentioned you need actual nutes not just the flowering nute. those things are starving.
Pro-mix HP has no nutritional value at all.
Pro mix has no organic or slow fertilizers but it is preloaded with a synthetic 7-3-3 NPK. Enough to feed the plant for a few weeks, especially if it is stressed. You can't ignore the starter feed if you are dumping more on top.
Pro mix has no organic or slow fertilizers but it is preloaded with a synthetic 7-3-3 NPK. Enough to feed the plant for a few weeks, especially if it is stressed. You can't ignore the starter feed if you are dumping more on top.

there is nothing i see on my bales of HP indicating that at all nor is there any mention in any of their lit online. they have a 7-3-3 garden fertilizer and a floral potting mix that both fit that description though.

edit : where did you get your product ? mine comes through a commercial supplier and i'm wondering if there is a difference now.
Haven't used it in years so going from memory. I remember not feeding for the first few weeks with young plants until they started to grow. Went onto there sight to check. I may have supper imposed there 7-3-3 pro-mix fertilizer value with the base pre load. The sight still says it is pre loaded but not with what any more.

Does PRO-MIX® HP® have nutrients?

Yes, PRO-MIX® contains a starter fertilizer to help plants acclimate to a new rooting environment. We strongly recommended to initiate a fertilizer program within 7-10 days after planting. The fertilizer program you select should take into consideration water quality, crop type and the stage of plant growth.

If you pull the tech sheet, it shows the chemical composition. 300 metric PPM of 7-.5-5.

Interesting links. What with the number of growers, especially new growers, who are using the Pro-Mix products and selecting them based on price it helps to have some of this info.

Haven't used it in years so going from memory. I remember not feeding for the first few weeks with young plants until they started to grow. Went onto there sight to check. I may have supper imposed there 7-3-3 pro-mix fertilizer value with the base pre load. The sight still says it is pre loaded but not with what any more.

Does PRO-MIX® HP® have nutrients?
The link is for Pro-Mix HP® AGTIV® REACH which is a different product than the original Pro-Mix HP MYCORRHIZAE which is still on the market; saw a pallet of their regular HP MYCORRHIZAE sitting on the floor of a local HTG grow shop this past Tuesday and several pallets worth at a local gardening center several weeks ago. It looks like the AGTIV® REACH is a new product complete with added nutrients and a renaming of the original HP MYCORRHIZAE line.

If you pull the tech sheet, it shows the chemical composition. 300 metric PPM of 7-.5-5.
This one seems to be for the Pro-Mix MYCORRHIZAE but I cannot find the 300 metric PPM of 7-.5-5 mentioned.
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