Plant is dying all of a sudden - With pics


New Member
It was a very healthy plant with a stable and fast grow. I was away for 2 days and when I came back the plant looks like its almost dying. It's leaves are curled down and crispy and some fell off but I am sure it is not underwatered, the soil is still wet. They are in a grow tent under 300W LED. Here's some pictures of the plant:




Is it recoverable? If yes, what should I do?

Thanks for the help.
Re: Plant is dying all of a sudden (with pics)

it very possibly could be over watered. Are you letting it dry out all the way to the bottom, until your container feels as light as a feather, before you water each time? This is a weed, and you can easily kill it by keeping it moist.

I also wonder if this is heat or intense light related. How far away is your LED, and are temps going much over 85°F in that tent?

Recoverable? Certainly... this is a weed, and they can recover from most everything... All you gotta do is to fix the problem.

Good luck... hope this helps!

Re: Plant is dying all of a sudden (with pics)

Much thanks for the reply.

Well, I also believe I over watered it. I am watering when soil dries about an inch deep but this time I watered it when the soil was already moist. Currently I am not watering it. The LED is about 18 inches far away from the top of the plant so I don't think it's the issue. Also temps are around 68F at night to 78F at day. I have auto flowering plants and I run at 20/4 cycle. The tent also has a sufficient exhaust fan.
Re: Plant is dying all of a sudden (with pics)

over watering can bring about root rot if not tended to immediately. don't water for a while. Until the pot they are in is light. A good way to tell if they need water is to pinch the soil at the bottom of the plant, through the drain holes and squeeze it to see if there is water coming out of the soil U R squeezing. that is a sure way to tell if they need water or not. No water feed them some, if there is do not feed them.
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