Plant food


New Member
I have some Vigoro plant food, can this be used during veg and flowering state? I did read the bottle but it doesn't say. And since I am such a noob, not sure if this is the same stuff as stuff for bloom. It says to feed once a week so should this be the only thing I give my plant or switch up as in give food one week and the following week just water?
I would plan on investing on some good nutes for your plants, but for flowering your going to want low N and more on the P-K side!!! and according to most feeding schedules, your supposed to feed every other watering

You should pick up a nute intended for MMJ, something like Fox Farms is a good soil starter. They have a feeding schedule that changes week to week, you feed every other watering.

Another point is never use what is on the label, about half the listed strength is fine.

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Maer--I did try to get some FF from HD but they did not have any at all. The person at HD said that the Vigoro could be used for MMJ. Are you saying this is not good for them?
Hmmm, well no fert schedule on the what it says...Guess I will go to their site and see what it says..Uh, not much but here it is, looked it up on Home Depot site. It appears very vague to me...

Everyone who gardens wants to have the biggest, most beautiful flowers, the most and best-tasting vegetables, the spiciest herbs and the prettiest houseplants on the block. If that's you, then feed all your plants with Vigoro All-Purpose Plant Food 10-10-10. It promotes vigorous, thick root growth for faster establishment, and adds nutrients for robust plants need to produce bigger, more beautiful blooms and great tasting and more bountiful fruits and vegetables. The easy-to-measure concentrated liquid is ideal for use with watering cans. Just 1/2 capful makes 2 gallons of ready to use plant food solution. Use it when planting new seeds or plants, and on established plants every 3 months during the growing season. Apply to both leaves and soil for dual-action feeding through roots and leaves. Read and follow all label instructions.
10-10-10 is N-P-K, so it is a balanced fert, does it mention micro nutrients like Manganese, Magnesium, Boron, Copper anything like that? Really you want high N for veg and high P for flower. I would order something online like the FF trio.
Maer--I did try to get some FF from HD but they did not have any at all. The person at HD said that the Vigoro could be used for MMJ. Are you saying this is not good for them?

They sell Fox Farm at tru-value hardware stores. While there are many ferts that will work for ganja, the recommendations from this community are for ferts that have been tried and found to work well with MMJ.

Like others have said the ratio of nutes the plant needs changes during the growth cycle and a good nutrient solution will accomodate this.

I have had to calculate and mix a few lesser quality nutes to get a good ratio for MMJ and that is a PITA. BTW that's pain in the a$$. HD is not a good place for ferts. Lowe's has a better selection to choose from IMO. But don't rule out the small hardware stores, many of them will stock good nutes, and/or be able to order them for you.
10-10-10 is N-P-K, so it is a balanced fert, does it mention micro nutrients like Manganese, Magnesium, Boron, Copper anything like that? Really you want high N for veg and high P for flower. I would order something online like the FF trio.

I see 0.05% for Manganese...0.10% for Iron and 0.05% for Zinc thats it. I kinda feel like this product is an EPIC FAIL!

Daze--I do trust the word of growers here on the site and I know they know what they are talking about. Maybe because my bf told them I was growing tomatoes that they gave me this crap which I am ready to throw out the damn window...Grrrr, so frustrated! And the Lowes here do not carry it either but we did find a plant store that seems to have it.
Queen that Vigoro is too high in nitrogen!!! And not enough micro nutes!! The boys at HD nearly know how to grow a flat of pansies!!! I've worked there for 10yrs and lowes as well and those soils will yield fine but limit all of your control and limit the actual yield!!!that Vigoro would have been fine In like week 3 or 4 then who knows what it will have left behind In the soil!! Sometimes those time release could just feed in week 11 and fuck up you girlie causes lockout...
Vince--At this point I would like to go to HD and bitch slap the person who sold this to my bf. I did give the plants some on Friday since they haven't had anything but the eggshells and water along with some used coffee ground tea. But since it is now bought, I will use on one of my future grows. I am waiting on some nutes from BPN but will still go to the plant store just to see what they have. I am determined to walk out of there with something I need! Wish I had a few folks numbers on here so I could send pics of the products so I don't go wasting any more money. I need someone to hold my hand on this first
Queen your doin great!!! The Vigoro you gave will be fine!! But the BPN are greatness!! Nice work on scoring them!! They will be just what you needed !!
Hi Queen, I wanted to give you some details on how I use nutes. You seem like the type of person who likes the details...:)

Just to give you a better idea of how the ratio of N-P-K will need to be adjusted to feed your plant, I wanted to give you my schedule. Your schedule will be different but you will know better how to adjust your N-P-K.

When I first setup my soil I use 1/4 teaspoon of bone meal to 2 quarts of soil. It has NPK 6-9-0 and is all I need to get the lil ones going. Higher P is for root development.
Low numbers in the beginning so that you will be able to adjust without over-nuting any one nute later. Then for my first feeding which won't be for about 2 weeks I give 18-18-21 at 1/4 strength of the directions. Its a pretty even mix with a bit more K because the bone meal had 0.

Then I give the plant a 30-10-10 at 1/2 strength to boost N and level off P and K. I do this twice before I flower, 2nd time at 3/4 strength.

My last watering in veg is plain ph'd water, then after 4 days I transplant into a 5gal container. I do not flush because I water heavy during last week of veg then transplant to fresh soil.

My first flower feeding is 4 days after transplant with a N-P-K ratio of 15-30-15 at 1/2 strength. My second is at 3/4 strength, and my third is at 1/2 strength. Then I pre-harvest flush.

I strictly follow a watering schedule of every 4 days and I feed every other watering. If I need to adjust I do so by the amount amount of water, not the time in which I water. :goodluck:
Whats good QTL!!!

Great job on the BPN!!! which line did you get?? did you get the Farmer's Pride??? if you haven't already checked it out, I am doing a review journal for them and also have a weekly update on youtube!!!

Thanks Daze. I did look and have NW Green thread bookmarked. I will add bone meal to the list of things I need. So basically you're saying water every 4 days depending on if it needs it, correct? And you're saying that I need to repot them again before flowering? In something that is at least 5 gallons? And yeah, I usually do like details but since I am still new to this, it gets me confused from time to time.
Thanks Daze. I did look and have NW Green thread bookmarked. I will add bone meal to the list of things I need. So basically you're saying water every 4 days depending on if it needs it, correct? And you're saying that I need to repot them again before flowering? In something that is at least 5 gallons? And yeah, I usually do like details but since I am still new to this, it gets me confused from time to time.

Sorry I didn't get back to you.

I give my plants somewhere around a half gallon of water per plant in a 5 gal. sometimes more but thats when they are big. It is not good to water too often because it can cause root rot, so don't be afraid to let the soil go on the dry side sometimes, they like that and will show their appreciation. Like I said I adjust the amount of water when needed not the time. just add less or more. The way I size my pots determines the amount of water I use and in 4 days they will need more. I was just trying to help you to develop a schedule, which by now I am sure you have. I don't expect you to follow my schedule, just to learn that a schedule works better than just watering when you walk by and get an urge. :yummy:

About the repotting, after I germinate I use a 2qt pot for two sometimes 3 weeks, then I use a 2 gallon pot for another 3 weeks. Then I prepare her for flowering by putting her in a 5 gallon pot with some phosphate prills. She will remain in the 5 gal. until harvest.
Ok, I have a question...When giving nutes, is it ok to mix them together in a gallon jug or should they all have their seperate jugs? Or is it grower's choice? One person told me to put them in seperate jugs but was just wondering if everyone does this....Or if mixed together will it cause major nute burn? Not that I am questioning what the person told me just wondering is all......
Thanks Maer. Just wanted to make sure..Now here is my next question...If for example, you give nutes...Grow Big + Big Bloom or whatever (that is nutes I am working with)..How much do you give of each nute? Say one cup of Grow and one cup of Bloom? Just don't wanna give too much when the time comes for their next feeding.
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