Plant dies as it grows. Outside.


Well-Known Member
This is a weird one.

The strain is a mixed strain. I have posted about this plant strain multiple times. Pistachio and blueberry pancakes mixed strain. It's a pathetic plant.

I took these plants off my roof and put one in front of my house in the corner where it can get proper amounts of light to grow. Some ambient times and most of the day it gets full light.

The strange thing keeps growing....but the bottom dies upward as it grows. It's the most baffling thing to me.

I have two others inside and they are dying as they grow too but they are already full of buds and the buds at the top are getting everything. To some this would be a good thing. The indoors. But the outdoor one ...we just planted it in the ground to see if it would live and didn't expect it to because it looked so bad when we put it in the ground.

It has leaf hoppers and they eat some leaves. But they are not killing it from the bottom as it grows because the indoor plants are doing the same thing and no leaf hoppers. The only thing that saved the indoor plants was putting them under 12/12 lighting and starting the budding process and then feeding it more nutrients than the schedule called for when the leaves yellowed out. As this plant always does that. No matter what I do. I over feed them to see if that will darken the leaves and only just a little.

The bud leaves on the indoors are green as can be. But the fans are all light as usual.

The only positive on the outdoor plant is...though it's growing's growing faster than it's dying.

What could be causing this plant to bottom die as it grows?

I am only posting this to see if anyone has any ideas.

I just took the five gallon pot it was in peeled the felt bag off dug a hole and popped it in then filled it with the dirt that came out of the hole. Then fed the surround top soil to promote root growth further out than the peat moss perlite and worm castings
It's a horrible looking plant but in the end someone will probably steal whatever buds grow on it. And I really don't care if they do.




This is a weird one.

The strain is a mixed strain. I have posted about this plant strain multiple times. Pistachio and blueberry pancakes mixed strain. It's a pathetic plant.

I took these plants off my roof and put one in front of my house in the corner where it can get proper amounts of light to grow. Some ambient times and most of the day it gets full light.

The strange thing keeps growing....but the bottom dies upward as it grows. It's the most baffling thing to me.

I have two others inside and they are dying as they grow too but they are already full of buds and the buds at the top are getting everything. To some this would be a good thing. The indoors. But the outdoor one ...we just planted it in the ground to see if it would live and didn't expect it to because it looked so bad when we put it in the ground.

It has leaf hoppers and they eat some leaves. But they are not killing it from the bottom as it grows because the indoor plants are doing the same thing and no leaf hoppers. The only thing that saved the indoor plants was putting them under 12/12 lighting and starting the budding process and then feeding it more nutrients than the schedule called for when the leaves yellowed out. As this plant always does that. No matter what I do. I over feed them to see if that will darken the leaves and only just a little.

The bud leaves on the indoors are green as can be. But the fans are all light as usual.

The only positive on the outdoor plant is...though it's growing's growing faster than it's dying.

What could be causing this plant to bottom die as it grows?

I am only posting this to see if anyone has any ideas.

I just took the five gallon pot it was in peeled the felt bag off dug a hole and popped it in then filled it with the dirt that came out of the hole. Then fed the surround top soil to promote root growth further out than the peat moss perlite and worm castings
It's a horrible looking plant but in the end someone will probably steal whatever buds grow on it. And I really don't care if they do.




Nutrient deficiency starts @ the bottom of the plant usually, you probably have to feed it something weather its cal/mag or a macro nuit and some nutrients are immobile and cant travel to other parts of the plant if its not there or And or maybe bugs, thrips or something ✌️
Nutrient deficiency starts @ the bottom of the plant usually, you probably have to feed it something weather its cal/mag or a macro nuit and some nutrients are immobile and cant travel to other parts of the plant if its not there or And or maybe bugs, thrips or something ✌️
Does it always start at the bottom? IT could be that. But we dumped run off water on it a bunch of times and then watered it. I figured it cant salt up since it has no bottom now. But, It never got really dark so I figured it was never overkill.
Ahhh well it sounded like you did'nt care about it so i thought heck why bother if it's gonna get eaten or ripped off.
Ive been doing what I can but the experiment was really what would it do if it was just growing outside for an entire season.
But since it kept dying low as it was growing its lost total branches which shriveled up.

I always heard if the soil is natural and good it would be good for a plant. I have a great plant outside too which my neighbor asked me to grow for him because he simply cant. That one is doing exceptionally well. But its in a 5 gal.

This thing being right in the ground I just wonder why the leaf hoppers eat that one way more than the one in the 5 gal and why its doing terrible in comparison. I wasnt even going to give it nutrients. But decided run off water would be enough. So far it isnt yellowing at all.

This could simply be a strain issue as I said, the indoors of the same strain are doing it as well. Its just they got flipped to 12/12 before the dying leaves could reach the main bud sites. But they have no lower buds under the canopy's main bud and secondary bud growth. So those buds will turn out really nice if the creeping death doesn't reach them before they are finished.

My thinking was that the strain is very unstable. It never grows the same. Sometimes the leaves look Indica and sometimes sativa. Sometimes the buds are not very leafy but bulge far off the top leaves and sometimes the top leaves grow a smaller top but underneath it fills in better. I guess its just unstable since it came from a hermied plant that got fertilized by another hermied plant.
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