Pickle Juice or Vinegar?


New Member
I might possibly be getting a second interview with this company that I'm trying to work for, but I read online that they piss test you on site...

I was just told that drinking a shot of pickle juice or vinegar helps pass a test. I weigh over 260lbs (I'm a bigger girl) & I haven't smoked in about a week. I was a regular smoker that smoked a few bowls every day. I know it can take up to 30 days for it to leave your system completely... especially if you weigh a lot.

But someone just told me that if I quit sodas & coffee (anything with caffeine) & drink nothing but water, along with a shot of vinegar every day before the test, then I should be fine. I want to know if this is true or not or if it's just another BS thing you hear?

Any truth to this?
Anyone have any experience with this?
Just BS.
THC metabolites are not water soluble, they head directly for your fat cells where they stay until the fatcell dies or you burn it up through exercise, there is no shortcut. You can drink lots of fluids and try to dilute the level of thc in the urine but thats all that you can do.
Your better option is to just sub with synhtetic urine or someone elses clean urine.
How do you go about doing that? Lol. Like, how do you get someone else's pee in the bathroom? I've heard catheter & condoms.
You can but synthetic urine that comes in a small 2 or 3 ounce bottle that has a temp strip on the side of it. You nuke it for 10 seconds and then hide in your crotch until the test. You can do the same thing with someone elses urine that you know is clean. Just buy a travel bottle of shampoo or something, thoroughly flush the bottle buy a stick on temp strip at any pharmacy and do the same thing as with synthetic. With synthetic buy either the stuff that has uric acid added or you can even buy real powdered urine and add that to the bottle.
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