PH Problems


Well-Known Member
First off, hello everyone, still fairly new here. I have one plant in an Aerogarden at the moment, and have been feeding with GH Flora series, and GH CaliMagic, and also some Hydroguard root inoculant, and topping off the water every 4-5 days. I am checking the pH after adding all the nutrients, and adjusting as needed, as well as when I just top off with water...
So I found an old magazine laying around titled "How to grow bigger buds" that I snagged at some local cannabis convention, and considering I wasn't growing at the time, it's just been collecting dust. Long story short, there's some mentioning on "no more checking your pH daily with the pH perfect tech in our nutes"... Considering it was nutrients from a company that I didn't get mine from, and being a noob, I'm thinking to myself, "Shit, I should've been checking my pH daily? I thought every feeding and top off was enough!" So sure I enough I go to my tent to check the pH, which I just fed her yesterday, set pH etc, and the pH is high. So I attempt to lower it from what was about 8 pH down to 5. I add 1 DROP of pH UP and it jumps back up to 7. Granted this testing is all done manually, will 1 DROP fluctuate the reading that significantly? My plant is as healthy as can be, in my opinion, for the conditions it's in. But being my first grow, and the fact that I want to significantly upgrade by my second, I'm trying to take in as much knowledge as possible. Should I start setting the pH lower since it tends to increase? Also any personal feedback on the GH trio(what I'm using) VS the grow-micro-bloom by AN (what I was reading about, says it adjusts pH daily for you) ??? Thanks y'all!

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