PH Problems with Deep Water Culture


New Member
Hey guys. I am running a Deep water culture system with 12 five gallon buckets and a 50 gallon res. Just transplanted yesterday into hydroton and already PH has risen to 7. Although there is no circulation between buckets at this time, only air injectors in each one, they are still connected together with 1'' tubing. How should I manage lowering the PH? Should I adjust each bucket individually or should I drain the system and put new nutes with the correct PH in? Thanks in advance guys.
I run 2 individual buckets and I adjust them everyday as the ph rises, usually rise by 1 ph after a day, until the roots are well developed with a ball in the water, you will see the ph rise less as the days go, you can see the same thing happens again for maybe days to few eeks after switching to bloom nutes too, I been running bubbler since my 3rd grow, using same nutes, I find some strains to be more stable with the ph and some rise it everyday by a bigger amount, i can remember what strain it was since it has been years ago, I remember one of the grow I didn't have to adjust ph for 4 or 5 days, some were 2 to 3 days, some are everyday till they are older. I shouldn't need to do much with ph hopefully when I get the RO system install, since the ph perfect nutes are suppose to keep the ph stable only when you use them with RO water.

I lift the plants out and let them roots get some extra fresh air while I adjust the ph in the bucket and i use rain water.
My last grow I was having this problem I was having to adjust my p.H. 2 times a day on all of my buckets. If you are having p.H. fluctuations that major there is more likely a underlying problem such as un clean medium, pythium/rootrot, res temps, the list goes on. As of now you are better off to adjust every bucket individually until you find out what is causing this, if you start running them together you run the risk of spreading the problem and making it worse in other places. Make sure you have clean medium and you keep your temps in range, light out of res, all those little things add up to a stable grow. If you are still having this problem let us know more about what you have going, res temp, medium, nuts so forth. Good luck.
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