Peyton Manning pic


Well-Known Member
Pic of an nug from my last batch of Peyton Manning.


Looks super yum, is this your last nugget? I always find myself taking the time to do this when I am looking at the "Bottom of the Barrel" never a bad thing just bittersweet. Oh how sweet it is!
Keep up the great work, I can tell she's dense
Looks super yum, is this your last nugget? I always find myself taking the time to do this when I am looking at the "Bottom of the Barrel" never a bad thing just bittersweet. Oh how sweet it is!
Keep up the great work, I can tell she's dense
Thanks, she burns nice too but I find myself searching the fridge alot!
Thanks, she burns nice too but I find myself searching the fridge alot!
Thats perfect haha, thank you so much for that, I always appreciate some appetite stimulation, that an euphoria are my favorite traits, thank you leafly for having the chart lol. I wish they would make it easy to sech for what strain might be interesting based on the effects. I find myself getting super thirsty looking at all the different beans that I want lol, I am fortunately pausing on buying beans because I got a super deal on BC God Bud Fems, I can barely wait. I am putting your strain on my list, I always buy from the breeder who did it first but can I ask where you acquired your b.b.b.b.beans.
Thank you so much for sharing, I wish you well friend
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