Petition Calls For Ban On Legal Pot Sales Within 500m Of Toronto Schools

Robert Celt

New Member
A candidate for TDSB trustee wants the city to keep the future sale of marijuana away from city schools.

Sharon Kerr is behind a petition asking Toronto city council to draft a bylaw forbidding the sale of legal pot within 500 m of any school. She also wants to block its sale near "any properties zoned for educational uses or recreation uses where minors are present."

Kerr is running to replace former board chair, now Liberal MP Shaun Chen in Scarborough Rouge River (Ward 21).

Kerr talks about the need to protect kids from the drug calling "the negative effects of marijuana abuse on the minds and bodies of young people are well-documented". She also highlights a recent poll by Forum Research that found 39% of Ontarians aged 18-34 would likely us pot once it's legal.

Premier Kathleen Wynne said last month that she believed the LCBO was "well-suited" to selling pot once it's legalized, pointing to 'social responsibility' networks already in place.

But that doesn't seem to offer much comfort to Kerr. She offers that even it's illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under 18, you can pass by any high school and see kids taking a drag.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Petition Calls For Ban On Legal Pot Sales Within 500m Of Toronto Schools
Author: Siobhan Morris
Contact: NewsTalk1010
Photo Credit: Darryl Dyck
Website: NewsTalk1010
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