PeeJay's Perpetual Organic Homebrewed Soil - Stealth Cabinet And Greenhouse Grow

This is my first time growing cannabis. I've spent several months doing research. This is a stealth indoor / outdoor grow.

What strain is it?

Mama Mia from Seedman Seeds — not much on the web about this strain except that some folks like it for outdoors in the PNW. It's a cross between Mazari and an early skunk. I selected this strain because I want a fairly quick finisher that is indica dominant. Also the primary genetics come from Northern Afghanistan. Research indicates that my home climate is pretty similar to the Mazari homeland. The strain has been around for several years so someone must be growing it. Anyone with experience with this strain please chime in and share your knowledge!

White Panther aka White Smurf from Ceres Seeds — Like the Mama Mia, there isn't much in the way of grow journals or other info out there about this strain. It's a 50/50 indica sativa hybrid and cup winner from 2002.

Dark Star — waiting in the wings.

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? If in Veg... For how long?
I have two Mama Mia and two White Panther in veg. The Mama Mias sprouted 20 days ago. I also have two White Panther going which have been up six days.

Indoor or outdoor?

The girls currently enjoy about 8 hours a day of strong high desert sunshine. They spend the rest of the time indoors. I have a 6x6x7 portable greenhouse on the way (it will arrive on Monday.) I'll put it up on the south facing deck when the weather gets cooler. I should be able to put the plants outside for full spectrum sunlight for seven hours, or even a little more, straight through harvest in December.
When the plants are not outside they live inside stealth cabinets located in a spare bedroom / office. There are separate veg and flower boxes.

The veg box is a DIY made from a deck storage unit with a hinged top. Dimensions are 24"h x 42"w x 28"d. Lighting is 8x 25w blue spectrum cfl. Venitation is provided by a 4" high velocity exhaust fan. Intake is passive.

The DIY flower box is built from a resin storage cabinet I picked up for around $125.00. It is lit by a 3 watt x 128 LED from sponsor topled growlights. Internal dimensions of the flower box are 24"w x 18"d x 60h. Air intake is passive. Exhaust is provided by a 6" vortex fan. The fan will pull air through a 6" x 18" carbon filter when things get smelly.

Soil or Hydro?
Soil. My mix is roughly 20% FFOF, 65% Sunshine Mix #4 (yellow label — no aggregate) - and 15% perlite.

For nutrients I'm using the full line of General Organics (Go Box). I also have been feeding tea made with a little Mexican and Indonesian bat guanos, worm castings, and mycorrhizal inoculum.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

Time for a few pictures and more info. Hopefully I can make this work... Might take a few tries to get the forum mechanics down - so bear with me....

For starters, here is a picture of my indoor stealth set up.


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The 6" vortex fan is mounted inside the blue bin on top of the tall box. The exhaust vents into the room. The stylish wrap on the outside of the cabinet is a good quality 72" x 72" shower curtain. The low brown box with the plants on top of it is the veg chamber.

Here is a picture of the flower box unwrapped.

This sturdy cabinet is not exactly lightproof. Light leaks in around the hinges and doors. The beauty of the shower curtain is that with the very powerful exhaust fan creating negative pressure - the curtain is pulled into all the gaps. This eliminates light leaks. It looks much better than a tent as far as stealth goes. Oh, I should add that old clothes are packed around the vortex fan in the blue tote. This muffles the noise of the fan. The fan is controlled by a speedster fan controller. Nobody hardly ever comes in this room. If they do, the noise from the fan is a quiet hum. It works well. The spare bed in the room has never been slept in! I have a large desk on the other side of the room, so the room basically functions as my office. Access to the deck where the girls spend their time outside playing is through a sliding glass door.

Here is a picture of the guts of the flower cab:

Looking pretty ghetto with no plants in there. Plus, the light is a little off kilter and is set low right now. Trust me. It looks tight when the carbon scrubber is mounted in there. It fits horizontally across the top of the box. The small black thing next to the light is a 4" fan for air circulation. It blows the plants around nicely when I have it on. The entire room is cooled with an evaporative cooler during warmer weather. The swamper does not have a thermostat. It must be turned on and off manually. It does a great job of keeping temperatures in line when it's hot out. Heat for the room has it's own thermostat.

Currently, the two Mama Mias veg and sleep in there when they aren't out on the deck. The plants are in 5 gal fabric pots and are currently filling out a porta scrog screen 6" above soil level. The LED is 26" above the top of the plants right now. The light can go up another 12". The plants can get around 30" high with the light 16" from the top of the plants.

Here is a photo of the inside of the veg box:

Lighting comes from as many as 8 23 w cfl. There are only six in there at the moment. Don't need all 8 right now.

And finally, here is a crappy pic of the the plants out on the deck in the sun.

Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

And, here are the plants. Forgive the crappy picture quality. I can't find my dern camera battery. These are from my ancient phone... The photos will get much better in the future.

First, here are two pictures of my healthiest plant:

This is the second Mama Mia:


The second Mama Mia - I call her Collette - has had a rougher life than the first one - Helen. Collette had a difficult time shedding her seed coat. She suffered some stem damage when I helped her lose it and has been a little behind the other one. She is doing well, though. Collette seems to be a slightly more sativaish plant than Helen. A bit more stretchy with narrower leaves.

The Mamas were sprouted in rapid rooters before being transplanted into 3 qt pots. Both plants were FIMed at the 5th node six days ago. They were transplanted into the 5 gal porta-scroged pots 5 days ago. I removed the set of fan leaves immediately below the FIM to let more light down to the lower tops. Hopefully this will help them reach for the screen. I've also done some bondage to other fan leaves to keep the from shading the center of the plants.

One of the stems on a big fan snapped when I was moving it on poor Collette. I taped it up and the leaf seems to be hanging on.... Sucks that I broke a big solar panel. I am starting to work the FIMed tops toward one corner of the screen.

Next, here is a really crappy picture of the two White Panther plants. The picture is so substandard that it is barely worth posting:

They are a week old and were sprouted right in their pots. The tiny one, like Collette, had trouble losing her seed coat. I didn't think she would make it, but she seems to have pulled through. I plan on a long veg for these plants. I'll take 18 clones - hopefully from the single strongest of the two and run a 9-12 plant SOG when the Mama Mias are done.​
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

looks good PeeJay. subd and will be checking in as a fellow FTG hope you the best and ill share any experience i can... dont have much experience but ill share what i got
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

I'm nice & early here; Post #7 subbed It looks like a great start. Very descriptive.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

The veg box has a 4" exhaust fan in the upper back right corner and passive intake. With all 8 CFLs on the box runs 7-6 degrees F higher than ambient room temperature. With the 6 I have on in there now it runs about 6 degrees higher. When the LED is on in the flower box (both veg and bloom switches on) it runs about 4 degrees higher than ambient room temperature. Things worked out well.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

One last substandard photo for journal launch day. The ladies have retired from their day out on the sunny deck. After a short spell under the LED in the cabinet, they went night night for 6 hours. Here is a picture of them just before lights out. It gives some perspective to the tight flowering space I'm working with.

I think I'm about a week from 12 - 12. The plants will stay dark until about midnight, spend 9.5 hours under the LED and move out into the sun for 8 hours, and then spend around a half hour under the LED before lights out.

The priority is filling the screen right now. I need an even canopy. The plants must stay under 30" tall.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

I'm using the MMJ to treat the yellow toenail fungus. By including the toes in the photos you will be able to see how well it works as the plants grow.:slide:

Welcome to the thread Jay and all!
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

I'm using the MMJ to treat the yellow toenail fungus. By including the toes in the photos you will be able to see how well it works as the plants grow.:slide:

Welcome to the thread Jay and all!

Ha ha that ....but just tell us about the toes from now on....I'll take your word for it:rofl:

Good weed to you:thumb:
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

I'm using the MMJ to treat the yellow toenail fungus. By including the toes in the photos you will be able to see how well it works as the plants grow.:slide:

Welcome to the thread Jay and all!

+reps for a good start and a little Humor as well. :):)
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

subscribed. if you see in the post window a camera icon with a green arrow pointing to the right, use that icon to inset full size photographs in your journal.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

TY for the tip KJ. In reality those are full size. I used Photoshop to cut down the size of the crappy camera pics and removed pesky exif data from them before posting. If I find my camera battery of get a new one, the pictures will be much better.
Re: Stealthy 1st time indoor/outdoor hybrid grow. Mama Mia and White Panther in soil.

The mama mias were a little sad and droopy when I checked them this morning. They have never been watered in the big pots before. I've been waiting for them to dry out and the plants to lose some turgidity. Anyway, they were watered and fed with 1/2 strength general organics line nutes. I did not use the biothrive grow, opting for 2 Tb of Mexican bat guano 10-1-1 and top dressed before watering with about 1/4 cup worm castings per plant.

The medium in the big pots has been in the pots since the first of the month. I filled them up and made the porta scrog screens a couple of weeks before I needed them. They received two soakings with mico tea and a little molasses so the soil could cook a bit and were watered one last time two days before transplant with 1/2 strength nutes. This is the fourth day the plants have been in the big pots - so it took six days for them to dry out. It takes roughly two gallons of water to see a small amount of runoff from the five gallon pots.

It's amazing how fast the plants perk back up from a watering. Ten minutes later they were standing at attention. They will be moved out into the sun about an hour from now. Crystal clear sky in the forecast with a high in the mid 80's.

Now, the deck where they hang out faces south and takes strong sun. The deck is partially shaded by a large, spindly locust tree. It provides a little intermittent shading. The ladies really like it out there - seeing explosive growth the last few days. I'll probably post some more pictures tomorrow so we can see just how fast they are growing.
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