I would like to mention my journals. I do take pride in them. I proofread them. (usually). Some of my posts feel like I am emptying the magazine on my pistol. I regret some of my posts are delivered in this manner. I have a 2 yr old and a shift working wife. I am father & mother at times and an employee. All this at times is a bit much to try and get a handle on; I apologize. As the baby gets more independent, I can devote more time to my journals. This year has just been crazy as hell. Maybe at the end I will recount all I have gone through this year and you all will shake your head. I will be sure to do a great job on that write up. My writing usually is on a decent level and comprehensible. I have graduated out of college journalism (with an A!) and I have pondered being a writer. I thought about that "sponsored journal writing person...thing"; not today. I am too new here, too busy, and not ready in my life. Perhaps further down the road I may take interest in that. For today, I am busy beyond belief and struggling to raise a good child and not write a slamming column.
...so in the interim. Please have patience with me. Sometimes my posts are curt and to the point. It's not an attitude thing.
...I love talking. Hahaha. Much love to you all.