Parnelli's First Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
I have about 6 very old seeds that are soaking and about to be put in an Aerogrow (AG) to pop if they can. These seeds are likely white widow and if any of them sprout I'm going to plant them out doors in the areas that get the most sunlight. I've placed the soaking seeds in AG pods and placed them in a grow tent that is warmed to at about 75 degrees F. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least one will sprout.
I've opted not to plant outside this year because of the view from a public place/ locked secured exterior growing area provision of Michigan's law. Not sure how to interpret that part of the regulation and due to some issues within the legal system I've opted not to place myself in harms way - figure lets not give any asshole ammunition to use against me within the legal system. It sucks being held hostage by the legal system when ur in the right and just want some resolution to the dispute.
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