Parents, Vets, Nurses Push For Legalization Of Medical Marijuana In PA

The General

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The push to legalize medical marijuana is once again getting attention in Pennsylvania. Three groups - parents, vets and nurses - gathered to rally on Monday in Harrisburg. A decision can't come soon enough for Dana Ulrich, whose daughter Lorelei suffers from epilepsy. The 6-year-old has small seizures 500 to 700 times a day. Recently, the last medication available to her daughter failed to work, leaving only medical marijuana as a viable option. "For us it's frustrating because we see it helps other kids and we want that for our child," said Ulrich. Joe Mirt, a former specialist in the Army National Guard, wants medical marijuana available for veterans. "You send us to fight your wars and do your bidding but when we come home where's the support?," questioned Mirt. He says he currently uses anti-depressants that he says makes him feel worse.

Even if the supporters convince enough lawmakers to approve the medical marijuana bill, Governor Corbett opposes it. A spokesman from Corbett's office told News 8 that unless the FDA approves marijuana for medical use, the governor will not push to legalize it. Two hours after the rally, another group met in the same spot: the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association. The group is the first health care organization to throw its weight behind medical marijuana. Betsy Snook, spokeswoman for the PSNA, says medical marijuana is important for patient care. "This is another option for our patients and our patients deserve to have all the options available to them," said Snook. The co-sponsors of the medical marijuana bill, including State Senator Mike Folmer from Lebanon County, are hosting a fundraiser Monday evening at Appalachian Brewing in Harrisburg. All proceeds will go to families that have had to split up while their children get medical marijuana treatments in other states.


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