Paper towel method


Well-Known Member
I used the paper towel method to start my seeds. Unfortunately I sat the seeds on a heating pad last night to keep them warm. All that did was dry everything out. My question is will they sprout after they have dried out ? Or should I toss them and start over? Seeds were 15.40 per seed. Hopefully someone can tell me how fix this. hate to throw them away. Thanks Hope to hear from u soon
I agree, no harm in trying. I recently came the closest I ever have to letting the paper towel dry out. I had to pull the root of the paper towel a little. It still germinated.
I like to put my seeds in a paper towel, close it in a empty blu ray case, wrap it in a shirt, and place it at the top of my grow tent wedged between the tent and the support bars.

The heat from the lights are usually warm enough to give me a taproot in less than 24 hours. Sometimes I put it on top of my surround sound receiver in the living room. It gets warm in the cabinet I have that in under the tv.

Where the seeds autos or photos? Best of luck Pete2! :goodluck:
There's a chance they will still make it. Moisten paper towel back up and try again. I put my moist paper towel inside of a zip lock and place on my water heater to keep warm. Has worked so far. Best of luck on the germinating!!!
They may be fine if they dried early in the process and hadn’t begun to swell and sprout yet. I killed many a sprout in the early days, before I figured out to enclose them. Now I stick the damp paper towel in tupperware type containers with the lid on. The seed can just lay on top of the paper towel. As long as it’s warm (room temp or a little higher) and the lid is on they will have the conditions they need. High humidity and warmth.
I know the inside of my PC would fry sprouting seeds in a couple of hours
Any computer with an Nvidea or Radeon graphics card is way too warm
Plus you have a high velocity of air movement in there, plus high speed fans
Not a place to put your babies in lol
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