Ozone damage


New Member
My girls started looking like they had a cal-mag deficiency. Now, I had not changed anything, soil, nuits and lights...BUT I had added a ozone generator to my area, and after checking, it looks like I damaged them. (I got a real powerful generator, and thought I'd been using it sparingly, but guess not)

So Im back to an air scrubber.

Has anyone else ever had such problems? Will my girls rebound?

Thank you
Chances are, it is straight up cal mag def.

Give them some Epsom salts, dolomite lime, or liquid cal mag.

Just because you haven't seen it before doesn't mean it's the ozone. They may just have depleted it out of the soil and need more. If you are using RO water or distilled water, chances are that's what happened.

It's common
They are clearly different issues with similar but different early signs.

Ozone shows on the upper most exposed leaves first. Nearest the ozone generator.

With cannabis Mg deficiency usually shows on the sun leaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now! In the picture below on the left shows lower leaves of a plant that is starving and short of all three of the main elements ie nitrogen phosphorus and potash but not Magnesium, on the right show lower leaves short on Magnesium only.

Early Mg signs

The whole enchilada here:
Plant and Pest problem solver.
Good post, without pics it's hard to diagnose.
I have seen both ozone and mg def. on mine at some point along the years. And they looked identical to the picture you posted. Good resource.
Ozone generators belong in the exhaust "room," not the grow room.
Ozone generators belong in the exhaust "room," not the grow room.

I tend to agree, but 'my' experiment was exactly that, an experiment. I read enough to warrant such in my mind. I had gotten a freebie gifted to me so I have tested it in many ways. It is my understanding as well, that Ozone in itself is a natural component. It is the high concentrations that cause issues. So I am learning first hand what it does. I have a current crop flowering with the generator and exhaust running. It has little to no effect on that crop of adults as I can tell. Yet when I joined in some fresh young talent I began to suspect an issue. I have since removed the generator from the area. I will witness if my issue is Ozone's early signs or something else.

I have also read that it can be beneficial
Ozone the Ultimate Decontaminate
You often learn the hard way...the problem stopped when I removed the generator...........I lost some young'uns, trimed the 'burnt' off the mothers, and recloned.

I'm a closet grower, theres no way to vent. Thanks for the replies
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