Overwatered and repotted


New Member
So yesterday morning I took my roughly 4 week old plants (still in veg) and repotted them into bigger containers. They are potted and growing outdoors. Usually at night I move the pots under roofing. Was out for most of the day. Decided to go out the evening (after checking the weather of course... good clear evening predicted). Lo and behold...the mother of all storms break out and my newly potted plants with perfect npk ratios and ph are literally under water when I get home. Now I want to know... I added more drainage holes in the containers and the majority of the water has been drained. However the soil is still very muddy and all the leaves are brown from too much water. I trimmed off all the dead leaves (on one of the plants it was literally of the leaves). Is there any way to save these plants regardless of yield etc. Just want to know if I should keep on tending to them or just chuck them out? Posting pics below of my barren dreary landscape.

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Note: I have trimmed approximately 80% of all leaves off to see if it might help the regrowth of these.

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And in addition to the massive drowning they were already under stress from the repotting.

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Im on my first grow and one of my plants did this....except i was the storm bringin the water. It came back to life. I just gave it as much light as possible and didnt water of course. I would say if you see any signs of life then just keep tending to it. Me personally, i keep it all. You would be surprised on how resilient these plants are. Good luck fam.

Thanks for the response dude. Much appreciated. I'll keep on tending and nurturing them as I don't want to throw them out. Too much love and effort have gone in so far. I've switched them all to 18/6 light schedule now so hopefully that'll resurrect them.

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No problem. You are def in the right place. Everyone is happy to help here. I do tons of youtubing, reading, and research, but i swear its nothing compared to talking to ppl who have already had successful grows, and trust me there are a lot here. Ill be riding with you thru this grow. Cant wait to see those babies revive.

Shot. Sounds like a plan! Have done a ton of research myself as well but that'll only tale you so far. Once again thanks and I'll keep updating on progress.

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Dude all leaves have died and the main vain (stem of the plant) is a yellowish/white colour. So I'm not optimistic but I have flushed the soil and giving them 18 hours light a day with watering every 3-4 days. So I'll keep you updated as things happen (or not). I have however germinated my greenhouse seeds and hoping to have a decent grow with them.

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That's what's up man i feel ya. Ya live and ya learn. Ill be here. Big ups on those greenhouse seeds bro.

Yeah I really wanted to keep them until I have a better understanding of what to do and not to do..but I'm gonna smoke that green house now..them make sure I grow them proper. Haha. Good times.

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