Ovarian cancer 3C Feco CBD/THC


Active Member
Hello, thanks that i be accepted.
Also forgive me i m noth speak verry wel Enghlish.
I m a 66 Y. woman
Have ovarium cancer since december 2016, at begin of 2017 my first chemo’s and in april operation after that again chemo...
the tumormarkers going little bit down ... in december the markers are going again upwarts ... januari operation again , but the dokter would’nt do anithing, to dangereuses hè said, and stopped te
Operation after taking away 2 greath tumors and left a 300 (!!) in my body.

I have taken in the month mars 2gr/ day THC/CBD , 1 gr vaginal suppo en 1 gr oraal/day....until now i still taking the oil!
Still my tumormarker going high!
Before, i taking also the feco oil at +/- 1 gr/ day about a year ....

I also no sugar
No white Food ,

Green leaves
fresh pressed leaves and fruits drinks .

I Will tel you more but so sorry my English is so little.
Could please any one tell me what i do wrong ?
I feel that my forces lives me, ple
Hello, Fanny! I'm sorry to hear of your predicament and wish you the best for a speedy recovery.

While I'm not a doctor, perhaps I can point you at some things to research for your condition?

The first place I recommend anyone with cancer visit is:

Phoenix Tears | Rick Simpson

This is Rick Simpson's website. He is the "Grandfather" of treating cancer with CCO. There is a fantastic video in the "Videos" section called "Run From The Cure" that I recommend EVERYONE with cancer watch. There's also info on how to make the oil yourself and dosing instructions.

SweetSue is very knowledgeable on using MMJ for medical treatments and has a great forum on the topic here:

SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

Finally, in addition to the RSO/CCO, I'd recommend making sure you're eating as healthy as possible. Lot's of organic veggies, no animal fats, etc. Also, check into the "Budwig Protocol" and Chlorella, Spirulina, Curcumin & Artemisinin for additional help in building the immune system so your body can fight the cancer naturally.

I'm going to ask SweetSue to stop by, also, since I'm sure she'll be happy to help.

Best wishes for a healthy, cancer-free future!


Hello, Fanny! I'm sorry to hear of your predicament and wish you the best for a speedy recovery.

While I'm not a doctor, perhaps I can point you at some things to research for your condition?

The first place I recommend anyone with cancer visit is:

Phoenix Tears | Rick Simpson

This is Rick Simpson's website. He is the "Grandfather" of treating cancer with CCO. There is a fantastic video in the "Videos" section called "Run From The Cure" that I recommend EVERYONE with cancer watch. There's also info on how to make the oil yourself and dosing instructions.

SweetSue is very knowledgeable on using MMJ for medical treatments and has a great forum on the topic here:

SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

Finally, in addition to the RSO/CCO, I'd recommend making sure you're eating as healthy as possible. Lot's of organic veggies, no animal fats, etc. Also, check into the "Budwig Protocol" and Chlorella, Spirulina, Curcumin & Artemisinin for additional help in building the immune system so your body can fight the cancer naturally.

I'm going to ask SweetSue to stop by, also, since I'm sure she'll be happy to help.

Best wishes for a healthy, cancer-free future!


Thank you very much for your help I reading right now, hoping to find something that helps .....
Hello Fanny. :hug:

I’m going to send you to the thread where we rally around cancer patients and help them work out successful regimens.

A Base Regimen For Cancer

Read at least the first two pages, but stop at the current page (the last page on the thread) to introduce yourself. You can just copy your first post and repost it there. Save yourself the rewrite.

Now.....I want you to take a deep breath and do your best to let the fear go. We have some formulas worked out for suppositories you won’t find elsewhere and some ideas on getting through this time and on to a healing path. No guarantees Fanny, but heaps of faith and a willingness to help.

Take heart. There’s much to be hopeful for. We’ll do all we can to help you find that trigger that gives your healing force the upper hand. All is well. I’m glad you found us. :hug::hug::hug:
Fanny, I had some thoughts and basic questions. Any answers to my questions can be added to the post I hope you'll be leaving over at the Base Regimen For Cancer thread.

Hello, thanks that i be accepted.
Also forgive me i m noth speak verry wel Enghlish.
I m a 66 Y. woman
Have ovarium cancer since december 2016, at begin of 2017 my first chemo’s and in april operation after that again chemo...
the tumormarkers going little bit down ... in december the markers are going again upwarts ... januari operation again , but the dokter would’nt do anithing, to dangereuses hè said, and stopped te
Operation after taking away 2 greath tumors and left a 300 (!!) in my body.

I'd like to suggest that for whatever reason the universe interceded and stopped him. Choose to see it as a good thing. Surgery is notorious for spreading cancer cells.

I have taken in the month mars 2gr/ day THC/CBD , 1 gr vaginal suppo en 1 gr oraal/day....until now i still taking the oil!
Still my tumormarker going high!

May I ask, how were you taking the oral dose? How many doses in a day?

Also, are you still doing suppositories, and if so, how many a day?

Before, i taking also the feco oil at +/- 1 gr/ day about a year ....

That's a lot to take in a day. :hug: How are you handling it?

Knowing the strains the oil was made from would be most helpful, in particular, the THC and CBD ratios and the amount of THC.

I also no sugar
No white Food ,

Green leaves
fresh pressed leaves and fruits drinks .

Excellent support for the endocannabinoid system!

I Will tel you more but so sorry my English is so little.
Could please any one tell me what i do wrong ?
I feel that my forces lives me, ple

You communicated well. :battingeyelashes: From what you've shared you're doing many things right. There are times when it looks insurmountable and then the tide changes. This could be one of those moments. Once we look at it as a team we may have some suggestions that have the potential to shift the momentum. Let's get you over to the thread first.
Thanks for helping.

I take the oil approximately 4 times /day melting under my tung..
The suppo I stopped them 3 weeks ago.

When I started taking it I was very high and sleepy....I augment the doses until 1 gr. , for the moment I’m used to it, no more problem , still sleeping well !

The strain the oil is made of is : OG LEMON KUSH. It should be almost 100% Indica , I can get pure Sativa strain : AMNESIA . If that would be better ??

could you have some suggestions what I can eat for my liver because he’s really very damaged , please ?

Thanks you so very much !


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Fanny, I'm truly sorry to hear of the damaged liver, but the best approach to healing one appears to be diet changes, something I know a little about. I can offer my thoughts on that in a later post. What I can share is we were told by a liver specialist that three cups of brewed coffee a day will clean your liver for you.

I know, it shocked me too. Evidentially it's recently been proven to be true, along with the fact that coffee is not the diuretic we'd been told it was. The coffee you consume can count in your hydration totals.

Cannabinoid therapies require more water than most. Whatever you're drinking now, try to increase water consumption.

I have a project I'm committed to getting finished by tomorrow, and I don't want to casually toss off an answer to you. Please be patient with me. I want to be able to share some of the basics of what we'd suggest without overwhelming you, and that'll take some thought.

In the meantime, feel free to read the first couple pages of Cajun's cancer regimen. It'll give you a general overview. We've updated a few things since that thread started and we can explain those changes on the current page.

I'll be back tomorrow, at the latest. Maybe someone else can chime in on the liver diet question. :battingeyelashes:
Thank you SweetSue.
I have Made immediatly the coffee...

Good to hear. Look.... we managed to be here at the same time. :hug:

Let’s talk about the wounded liver.

The liver is a major filter for the body, and when it’s damaged you want to think of ways to make its job easier. Turns out it responds best to a diet low in meat, most particularly red meat, and processed foods. In my studies and in conversation with friends that’ve beaten this problem the recommendation is to go as much as possible to fruit juices high in nutrients.

When you think about that it makes sense. You’re taking the stress of the processed foods and high-fat proteins out of the diet and the liver can catch its breath, so to speak.

The coffee thing was a great surprise to me. Our liver specialist chuckled when he shared that with us just two months back. Careful on the cream and sugar though. :battingeyelashes: It’s my daughter’s liver that we’re healing, and she’s having great success with the coffee and a diet that’s low on processed foods and meat-free diet.

Liver disease isn’t liver failure. Google “diet to heal your liver” and pages pop up. They all come down to being kind to the liver and drinking as much nutritious fruit juice and vegetable juice as you can.

If your liver is wounded you can bet your life your gut is inflamed. You’ve been through chemo, so I’m certain your guts not as healthy as you’d like it to be for healing. A diet kind to the liver is also kind to the gut.

Try adding organic apple cider vinegar to your daily routine. I drink a tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water 3 times a day. The ACV will ease the job of the gut flora, eliminating things from the gut that would usually take probiotics to do, so the probiotics don’t have to be flushed from the gut instead. That’s good news for your gut.

If you can get unpasteurized sauerkraut I’d highly recommend adding it to your diet. It contains a most valuable probiotic for gut health.

I’m still working on an explaination of the cannabis oil use and my ideas on how you can tweak the regimen.

Can you order liquid sunflower lecithin? It’s an additive for the oil that’ll greatly increase the body’s ability to absorb the cannabinoids. We’ve worked out formulations for capsule oil that we also use for suppositories. Where common cannabis oil is expected to absorb at a rate of 20-35% through the gut, we figure our BioBomb formulas raise that bioavailability upwards to 80-90% absorption.

You see why I’m recommending you add the liquid sunflower lecithin?

You’re doing many things very right Fanny. In my opinion you just need a little tweaking and a strong boost of confidence. We all die someday Fanny. I’m a big advocate of living with as much joy bubbling in your life as possible, since I believe your body heals best when you’re laughing with life. My usual prescriptions for a new cancer patient have nothing to do with medications.

You have an endocannabinoid system. It’s job is to spontaneously heal you. You can help it do so more efficiently by including two simple steps in your daily life:

1. Make an appointment with someone you love to hug you and hold on for a period of three deep breaths. Do this at least once a day. It feels awkward the first time. After that you’ll find yourself holding for extra breaths.

2. Make an appointment with someone who cares for you to make each other laugh as hard as you can for at least ten minutes. Do this every day.

These two small steps can have a more dramatic effect on your healing than any medicine you ingest.

The cannabis therapy part of this conversation will have to wait until I’ve come back from my morning meeting. Please be patient with me. :hug:
Thanks for helping.

I take the oil approximately 4 times /day melting under my tung..
The suppo I stopped them 3 weeks ago.

When I started taking it I was very high and sleepy....I augment the doses until 1 gr. , for the moment I’m used to it, no more problem , still sleeping well !

The strain the oil is made of is : OG LEMON KUSH. It should be almost 100% Indica , I can get pure Sativa strain : AMNESIA . If that would be better ??

could you have some suggestions what I can eat for my liver because he’s really very damaged , please ?

Thanks you so very much !

Fanny, please look into Milk Thistle for liver health!

Over the past forty years, intensive chemical, pharmacological and clinical research has confirmed the mechanisms of action and therapeutic value of milk thistle in a wide range of human liver-related and non-liver-related conditions. Literally hundreds of modern research studies have confirmed the remarkable ability of milk thistle to protect the liver and the body against virtually all types of damage.

Additionally, the United States National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have cataloged more than 400 scientific studies of milk thistle and its active compounds in their medicine database. These studies reflect what generations past knew and depended on – that milk thistle is one of the most valuable and beneficial herbal remedies and treatments available anywhere in the world.

Today, milk thistle is still one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world and is also the number one recommended natural herb for liver health. In fact, in Europe, milk thistle is a prescribed medication. The milk thistle extract is prescribed to treat mushroom poisoning, alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, drug and alcohol-induced liver damage and acute viral hepatitis, just to name a few.

Milk thistle extract is used to maintain liver health and to protect the liver from the effects of toxins such as alcohol, a polluted environment or workplace, and a host of liver related diseases.
Hello again Fanny. :hug: Let me see if I can explain in simple terms what I think may be going on.

Before we had legal medical cannabis the information shared promoted the 1 gram a day regimen. Many people respond positively in the end, but that much THC in your system can be difficult to live with.

What we now understand is that most cancers are responding to less than 300 mg of total cannabinoids a day. I you’re taking 300 mg a day and you’re building a medicine with a 4:1 ratio of THC to CBD you’re only getting about 225 mg of THC to 75 mg of CBD in a day’s doses.

That means you’d only be taking 56 mg of THC in each of four doses. I can assure you, you’re getting much more of that now.

In my opinion, even 56 mg of THC a dose is higher than the average person can tolerate comfortably. Nor should they have to. You can administer the dose as suppositories and eliminate the euphoria completely going anal. Even vaginally this dose is easier to tolerate over through the gut.

Our formulations for what we call BioBombs uses extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) because that allows the cannabinoids to be absorbed into the lymphatic system first. This allows extra time for cannabinoids to attach to receptors and signal healing before they get swept to the liver and get you too high.

We have a thread covering the BioBombs.

BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

The formulations are for starting low and increasing slowly. You’re already at more than optimal dosing.

Let me explain that statement. The endocannabinoid system balances out the body tone, I think of it as a vibrational tone. When the system is overwhelmed with THC the vibrational tone is too excited, and in response it will take receptors offline, letting them harden and sink into the cell membrane. So you need more and more cannabinoids to get the same results.

The solution is to back off entirely for 72 hours, during which the body resets the receptors and you can come back in on a lower dose. That’s not something anyone advises a cancer patient do.

My quandary is how to get your dose back down to something more therapeutic and less stressful to the ECS trying it’s best to heal you.

Are you working with anyone on your end to develop a regimen? For one thing, you’ll be wanting to add CBD to your oil. There are crystalline CBD products coming out that can make that easier to do if you don’t have a plant oil with high CBD to mix in.

CBD dramatically potentiates the medicinal value of THC and will kill cancer cells in its own way. A necessary addition to a good canna medicine for treating cancer.

That’s enough to throw at you for now. I’m always around somewhere. :battingeyelashes: There’s so much we don’t know about you, working across a digital field. It makes this dance more interesting, and it’s worth it for us to work slowly and carefully. I want you to find confidence in the protocol again. That confidence is the roadmap your body follows back to health and wholeness.
Get those hugs and laughs in. :hug::green_heart:
The THC /TBC , i take about 1 ½ year... i m use to it now, never been high, except one thing , and that is Good for me, i sleep very wel ! ( Forst time i take the oil, i was high )
I understanding that i must clean me liver, and no taking 72 hours the oil !
I already busy with the coffee and i buy also see picture, there are manny herbs in.
Sorry for my pour English !


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The THC /TBC , i take about 1 ½ year... i m use to it now, never been high, except one thing , and that is Good for me, i sleep very wel ! ( Forst time i take the oil, i was high )
I understanding that i must clean me liver, and no taking 72 hours the oil !
I already busy with the coffee and i buy also see picture, there are manny herbs in.
Sorry for my pour English !

I'm fairly certain that is not pure CCO. It's likely CCO, or some other extract, mixed with (or extracted into) a carrier oil. So, if that oil was, for example, 5% CCO, you'd need 20 g's of that oil to get the equivalent of 1 g of CCO.
I'm fairly certain that is not pure CCO. It's likely CCO, or some other extract, mixed with (or extracted into) a carrier oil. So, if that oil was, for example, 5% CCO, you'd need 20 g's of that oil to get the equivalent of 1 g of CCO.
Thank you me Krip for answer.

I realley dont now ... the person who was helping me , dusnt make it anymore for me , i m bert shore iT was always pure 1gr THC /CBD,
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