Outdoors temp?


New Member
:adore: when should i worry about cold temps affecting my plant? northeast if that helps
it gets down to about 45 at nite here, 70s in daytime,
thanks all
Re: outdoors temp??

Optimum temps for MJ is 75--80 in the day and 60--65 at night.
However, marijuana will grow in temps of over 100 and down to freezing, just not as good or as fast as optimum temps.
A frost will slow things down, and a feeze can kill plants, if it doesn't warm back up above freezing during the day.
Re: outdoors temp??

pool2440 said:
:adore: when should i worry about cold temps affecting my plant? northeast if that helps
it gets down to about 45 at nite here, 70s in daytime,
thanks all

Those temps are perfect.

When you start to get frost at night. That's when. Even then, I've seen them stay alive till snowfall. Watch the trichomes and chop as soon as ready.
Re: outdoors temp??

whatever happened? still going? in MO we still have a few weeks, possibly a month till a killing frost.
Re: outdoors temp??

I've read that the wider the swing in day/night temp, the quicker the ripening AND an increase in potency. never tested that, but we've had some weird weather here this year. hot days and cool nights, sometimes 30 degree difference. hairs started reddening then, but don't know if it was from the big swing, or above average sun for this time of year, or what.
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