Outdoor Spidermite control


Well-Known Member
Hello all - need advice on what I can use on my outdoor crop to head off spider mites -- I notice some damage and want to eliminate the threat before the ladies go into heavy flower production -- what foliar sprays are there that are safe ?

Happy Growing

Hello all - need advice on what I can use on my outdoor crop to head off spider mites -- I notice some damage and want to eliminate the threat before the ladies go into heavy flower production -- what foliar sprays are there that are safe ?

Happy Growing

Hey Buddy :ciao: hope your garden is OK.
I use SNS 209 for spidermites and all other bugs.
You can get a discount from @Sierra Natural Science
It's much easier to feed it to your girls then spray it.
I give them 1 ml / l in m6 feed once or twice a week.
Keeps everything from munching on them , perfect :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
need advice on what I can use on my outdoor crop to head off spider mites -- I notice some damage and want to eliminate the threat before the ladies go into heavy flower production -- what foliar sprays are there that are safe ?
I try not to worry about Spider Mites outdoors. There are several other plants that repel mites and I will keep them near my plants. Some suggested plants that work well to repel mites and that I also have growing within 30 feet of my Cannabis include Rosemary, Geraniums, various types of mint, chives & garlic, and Basil. There are other that are supposed to work. I have always had several potted Rosemary and Geranium plants within two or 3 feet of my plants and a few more scattered around the yard. Over the years I have not noticed a mite problem.

So far no Mite problem outside so I let Mother Nature do the job with her pet predator insects including some wasp varieties and spiders.

If you can get a hose or larger sprayer close to the plants then some growers say to wash the mites off the plants with a plain water spray and be sure to break up their webbing if you see any. Or a regular hand held pest/insecticide sprayer can be used with organic Insecticidal Soaps and other sprays that are also used for inside grows.
Thanks everyone that helped with my problem and that of others -- but SNS 209 I'd have to question that if fed to the plant aren't the killer chemicals within the plant and bud ?? -- No mention was made of the active ingredients breakdown.. And how can the smoker be assured 209 isn't in the bud itself?

But upon further research I found Mite X Stream - approved for cannabis and tobacco... Expensive but I feel worth it considering what can be lost to and infestation..

Happy Growing
Thanks everyone that helped with my problem and that of others -- but SNS 209 I'd have to question that if fed to the plant aren't the killer chemicals within the plant and bud ?? -- No mention was made of the active ingredients breakdown.. And how can the smoker be assured 209 isn't in the bud itself?

But upon further research I found Mite X Stream - approved for cannabis and tobacco... Expensive but I feel worth it considering what can be lost to and infestation..

Happy Growing
It’s just rosemary oil.
No insecticide or anything harmful to people.


But as long as you have something safe to use. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
but SNS 209 I'd have to question that if fed to the plant aren't the killer chemicals within the plant and bud ?? -- No mention was made of the active ingredients breakdown.. And how can the smoker be assured 209 isn't in the bud itself?
I do not have access to a bottle of the stuff so have to ask what chemicals?

The SNS 209 is rated at Organic because the prime ingredient is an oil from the Rosemary plant and no ingredients that non-organic input are used. Any plant intended for human consumption, whether food or smoking, will not loose its Organic rating just because the grower uses SNS 209.

There is a real good chance that over the years you have eaten something with Rosemary oil as one of the ingredients used in the spices or flavoring.

And how can the smoker be assured 209 isn't in the bud itself?
That is the same question to be asked about using the Mite-X.
While that last ? is true wings -- one is listed as approved for use on a combustible i.e. cannabis / tobacco and one is not.

Happy Growing
To add to this -- I researched the ingredients to alot of the "botanicals" and some in the fine print stated not for use on food -- most use oils as a suffocation remedy for the mite and most break down as they are natural oils.

I have been gardening for over 40 years - once there was a hormone product that when sprayed on tomato flowers would produce fruit with no seeds and just meat -- it worked great. Never saw it again -- this was in the 90's

Last year in Menards saw a tomato product that if fed to plant would stave off pests and insects... Never saw it again...

Gotta be a reason .... So I'll go with the tobacco / cannabis approved mite preventative... to each his / her own..

Happy Growing

As long as you found something that works :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
To add to this -- I researched the ingredients to alot of the "botanicals" and some in the fine print stated not for use on food --
Yep, using an oil of any herb or vegetable that is being sold as an insecticide should not be used to flavor food. In these cases the product does not go through the same quality control during processing and storage as would be used if the oil was to be sold as a food flavoring or enhancer.
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