Outdoor MJ question...


New Member
How much herb should I be able get from my 8.5 foot tall and xtra bushy female MaryJane plant?
I wish I planted a few more!!

How much herb should I be able get from my 8.5 foot tall and xtra bushy female MaryJane plant?
I wish I planted a few more!!


a lot?
An 8.5 foot tall plant that's extra bushy you say? ......

You could get anywhere from 6 - 10 Ounces, possibly a pound, it usually varies with an outdoor grow.

I've only grown outdoors 3 different times and successfully harvested my plants, I remember my first plant gave me 3 Ounces, my second plant only gave me an OZ but it was Sweet Island Skunk and the plant only got to 2 feet tall, and my 3rd plant gave me 1/4 pound. It all depends on the strain, how well you take care of it, the conditions you're growing it in. etc...

Outdoor plants are a little harder to predict when it comes to the final yield, growing indoors is something I haven't done but I've heard and seen from friends that have done it that you can control the outcome of the plant a lot better, being able to control the amount of light it gets, nutrients, etc...
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