Outdoor Growing this time of year.


New Member
Hi, i've just recently picked up some bag seed and was going to see if anything would really happen. I was just wondering if weather conditions stay the same and going into fall, would I have a chance at making a real harvest? I honestly have no idea so thats why I'm here. If it turns out I could, I will give it a real try. If not I'll still let them go outside just to see how far they get. Thanks in advance.
depends on where youre at, if youre near the equator you could probably put them outside and be able to get some sort of harvest from them. any further north than florida the grow season is almost over. only a month left before harvest.
then again throw some seeds out and have fun watching them grow, never hurts to get some extra grow expierence
Well I live in a more southern part of Alabama, I say more southern meaning closer to the bottom but not really THE bottom. I think I'll just throw it out and see what happens.
I am trying a few myself. I will let you all know because the place i picked is under a tree where all my families cows leave their... fertilizer. :)
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