Outdoor Autos

Just wondering if it’s too late in the season to start an auto outside?

I’m in MN and it’s been an odd summer full of rain. The last week has been unseasonably cool with temps averaging 72°/ 52°

We heat back up it looks like to the 80°’s / 60°’s.

My ladies in the tent are getting ready to flip and I’m running a scrog so no room in the tent.

So what’s the general consensus? Did I wait to long to get a random hair up my ass to grow an outdoor auto?
Ok I’m going to pop a seed into water tonight and get a sip bucket going then :)

Free beans are great!
Despite explicit instructions, I still don't really understand SIPs - I'd like to try a perlite hempy too, but I think @bluter is probably sick to death of trying to explain it to me, over and over again :rolleyes:
Despite explicit instructions, I still don't really understand SIPs - I'd like to try a perlite hempy too, but I think @bluter is probably sick to death of trying to explain it to me, over and over again :rolleyes:
I understood the SIP concept pretty quickly.

Hempy on the other hand confuses the hell out of me!!!

I need to actually sit down and do some actual research on it. And not just read a few random posts here and there
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