Outdoor autos pot size?

beard o

Well-Known Member
I normally grow all my weed indoors, I enjoy the control and lack of variables. Ive really enjoyed autos of late.

I just got a couple cool new strains, and decided to try and outdoor grow. So my question is pot size. I'm a tomato grower, so I have an inventory of 5, 7, 10 and 20 gallon soft pots.

What size do you guys think? I'm leaning towards 20, but don't know if the added expense of all that soil is necessary give they're autos.
These are autos that i started indoors till they were 1month old. Put them outside late May? They are only in 1gal nursery pots. They are now 50days old maybe? Blooming but very small buds. They will love dry, hot days and hate cold a.m. mine are finally coming back out of the slump of being too cool in a.m. now it's 87f they love it. I've grown them in 3-5 gal fabric an plastic. I personally won't go bigger than 5gal. on autos but that's me. I'm trying to get rid of my auto seeds reason why i've got so many in 1gal. pots.

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