Out of the Dark, Into the Light


Well-Known Member
Greetings from across the pond to y’all!

Since “me, myself and I” are officially “legal” now (57days and counting lol) 😊, I’m glad to reveal myself to this beautiful forum and its knowledgeable members as a 2-years-long spectator / student and a daily reader of the amazing things that you all have going on here. I’m a mid-thirty male European with a high interest in sports, literature (mostly nonfiction and a bit of classics), cooking, vaporizer and cannabis.

My persona started out using cannabis back in high school in the early 2000 in a pretty well-established (big city) black market mostly provided by our beloved neighbor, the Netherlands.

– for everyone that already guesses my hometurf….this is not meant to be sarcastic….I really love the Netherlands! And it is surely more than just Amsterdam & Cannabis! Beautiful country sides and beaches, cool people and the most authentic Indonesian food (never tried? Never had sate or rendang? Try it!) that you be able to find in Europe. If you plan to visit the Netherlands, I’ll recommend not to focus on Amsterdam, but to check out Den Haag / Rotterdam / Eindhoven or even smaller towns like Groningen / Utrecht / Tilburg.) –

Back then weed wasn’t easy to get, but prices and quality (commercial mineral/hydro grown weed) were pretty much stable. But things started to change soon.

Prices went up, just to come down to the original price again. Though now you had to slap the baggy in your hand or on a table a couple of times to make sure they hadn’t had mixed in bird sand, or even worse, crushed glass fiber (people died inhaling that shit) in the pile of weed they had been prepacking. It was then, when my two best buddies and I decided to pull off our first (guerilla) outdoor grow.

Not knowing a bit, we started gathering information’s from High Times, which was funny enough readable in the local library, and got some seeds (if I remember correctly, it was 6 seeds….3x Jamaican Pearl & 3x Northern Lights x Haze) on a weekend trip to the Netherlands.

Long story short. In our third year using the same spot (which was pretty safe being inner-city, having to cross a curve making “intersection” …. we always played stone, paper, scissor on our way back, determining who had to cross the road without being able to see possible coming traffic. He then gave the sign to the others when it was safe to cross) we had to find out that it had been discovered. The plants (still in Veg) had disappeared, and their holes filled with new dirt.

Happy not being caught by the authorities we gave up on the growing project and relied since then on a friend of mine that had in the meanwhile established a good connection getting commercial grown from the Netherlands pretty much firsthand. Good Quality (Oldschool Strains: Orange Bud, Amnesia and Super Silver), fair prices and a save “environment” (only “family & friends” were supplied by my friend directly).

10 years later that one thing happened that always happens. A great party gets busted.

My friend (lucky that he had a “pretty low stash” when the cops busted him) went on probation (cutting all his business relationships) and I was pushed back in the “real” black market. That meant basically that I either had to pay twice or even more for the quality I was used to or to get a real low quality (on top of dealing with unreliable shady or really young people, sometimes even both.)

I went for the “quality-route”. Quickly acknowledging the financial fact that I had to cut back my consumption. That was when I got into vaporizers (a topic that I haven’t seen to be discussed much here). Happy being able to cut my consumption by around a half, I was truly surprised to enter a totally new “Terp-World”, which was probably the first (subconscious) step getting me back to growing, knowing that the bud I had in hand wasn’t truly comparable to some bio indoor I had once/twice tried or even the outdoor my friends and I had grown.

A journey of research through the internet began and brought me finally in the hands of this forum. I started my first grow in May 2022 on an 80x80cm footprint with 4 plants. And with all your help/knowledge I crossed the goal line with a totally unexpected 230+ grams dry. (special honors to the Queen of Watering @Emilya Green for her detailed, well explained and mind-grabbing insights on the art of watering / cannabis growing in general. She got hold of me on the first touch. Hope that she can work her way through life and that she might return to this forum after her personal journey as a well-balanced, happy, and beloved human being)

Otherwise, I’m all over the place grabbing knowledge / following hypothesis / watching science from you guys. Therefore, a quick shout out to some members that spontaneously come to my mind:






@Grandpa Tokin






…. besides the many others who share their knowledge and contribute.

Concluding, I’m really happy to finally start my own journey on this forum. I’ll probably start a journal in the upcoming days. It will be my first SIP, so stayed tuned.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @BeyondClouds

Congratulation on going legal.:green_heart:

You never know what you will get; when you have to buy weed. At least you know now there is no better bud than the ones you grow yourself.

Are you currently growing anything?
Do you have any images you would like to share?

Here's some helpful info.

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Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

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And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Greetings from across the pond to y’all!

Since “me, myself and I” are officially “legal” now (57days and counting lol) 😊, I’m glad to reveal myself to this beautiful forum and its knowledgeable members as a 2-years-long spectator / student and a daily reader of the amazing things that you all have going on here. I’m a mid-thirty male European with a high interest in sports, literature (mostly nonfiction and a bit of classics), cooking, vaporizer and cannabis.

My persona started out using cannabis back in high school in the early 2000 in a pretty well-established (big city) black market mostly provided by our beloved neighbor, the Netherlands.

– for everyone that already guesses my hometurf….this is not meant to be sarcastic….I really love the Netherlands! And it is surely more than just Amsterdam & Cannabis! Beautiful country sides and beaches, cool people and the most authentic Indonesian food (never tried? Never had sate or rendang? Try it!) that you be able to find in Europe. If you plan to visit the Netherlands, I’ll recommend not to focus on Amsterdam, but to check out Den Haag / Rotterdam / Eindhoven or even smaller towns like Groningen / Utrecht / Tilburg.) –

Back then weed wasn’t easy to get, but prices and quality (commercial mineral/hydro grown weed) were pretty much stable. But things started to change soon.

Prices went up, just to come down to the original price again. Though now you had to slap the baggy in your hand or on a table a couple of times to make sure they hadn’t had mixed in bird sand, or even worse, crushed glass fiber (people died inhaling that shit) in the pile of weed they had been prepacking. It was then, when my two best buddies and I decided to pull off our first (guerilla) outdoor grow.

Not knowing a bit, we started gathering information’s from High Times, which was funny enough readable in the local library, and got some seeds (if I remember correctly, it was 6 seeds….3x Jamaican Pearl & 3x Northern Lights x Haze) on a weekend trip to the Netherlands.

Long story short. In our third year using the same spot (which was pretty safe being inner-city, having to cross a curve making “intersection” …. we always played stone, paper, scissor on our way back, determining who had to cross the road without being able to see possible coming traffic. He then gave the sign to the others when it was safe to cross) we had to find out that it had been discovered. The plants (still in Veg) had disappeared, and their holes filled with new dirt.

Happy not being caught by the authorities we gave up on the growing project and relied since then on a friend of mine that had in the meanwhile established a good connection getting commercial grown from the Netherlands pretty much firsthand. Good Quality (Oldschool Strains: Orange Bud, Amnesia and Super Silver), fair prices and a save “environment” (only “family & friends” were supplied by my friend directly).

10 years later that one thing happened that always happens. A great party gets busted.

My friend (lucky that he had a “pretty low stash” when the cops busted him) went on probation (cutting all his business relationships) and I was pushed back in the “real” black market. That meant basically that I either had to pay twice or even more for the quality I was used to or to get a real low quality (on top of dealing with unreliable shady or really young people, sometimes even both.)

I went for the “quality-route”. Quickly acknowledging the financial fact that I had to cut back my consumption. That was when I got into vaporizers (a topic that I haven’t seen to be discussed much here). Happy being able to cut my consumption by around a half, I was truly surprised to enter a totally new “Terp-World”, which was probably the first (subconscious) step getting me back to growing, knowing that the bud I had in hand wasn’t truly comparable to some bio indoor I had once/twice tried or even the outdoor my friends and I had grown.

A journey of research through the internet began and brought me finally in the hands of this forum. I started my first grow in May 2022 on an 80x80cm footprint with 4 plants. And with all your help/knowledge I crossed the goal line with a totally unexpected 230+ grams dry. (special honors to the Queen of Watering @Emilya Green for her detailed, well explained and mind-grabbing insights on the art of watering / cannabis growing in general. She got hold of me on the first touch. Hope that she can work her way through life and that she might return to this forum after her personal journey as a well-balanced, happy, and beloved human being)

Otherwise, I’m all over the place grabbing knowledge / following hypothesis / watching science from you guys. Therefore, a quick shout out to some members that spontaneously come to my mind:






@Grandpa Tokin






…. besides the many others who share their knowledge and contribute.

Concluding, I’m really happy to finally start my own journey on this forum. I’ll probably start a journal in the upcoming days. It will be my first SIP, so stayed tuned.
Pleased to meet you! Welcome to legality! I'm in RSA and we've been legal since October 2018. We still have some hurdles in terms of the constitutionality of some of the legislation, and it is currently illegal to trade in cannabis and cannabis product. The prison sentences for convictions remain draconian. Anyway, nice to meet you :)
Greetings from across the pond to y’all!

Since “me, myself and I” are officially “legal” now (57days and counting lol) 😊, I’m glad to reveal myself to this beautiful forum and its knowledgeable members as a 2-years-long spectator / student and a daily reader of the amazing things that you all have going on here. I’m a mid-thirty male European with a high interest in sports, literature (mostly nonfiction and a bit of classics), cooking, vaporizer and cannabis.

My persona started out using cannabis back in high school in the early 2000 in a pretty well-established (big city) black market mostly provided by our beloved neighbor, the Netherlands.

– for everyone that already guesses my hometurf….this is not meant to be sarcastic….I really love the Netherlands! And it is surely more than just Amsterdam & Cannabis! Beautiful country sides and beaches, cool people and the most authentic Indonesian food (never tried? Never had sate or rendang? Try it!) that you be able to find in Europe. If you plan to visit the Netherlands, I’ll recommend not to focus on Amsterdam, but to check out Den Haag / Rotterdam / Eindhoven or even smaller towns like Groningen / Utrecht / Tilburg.) –

Back then weed wasn’t easy to get, but prices and quality (commercial mineral/hydro grown weed) were pretty much stable. But things started to change soon.

Prices went up, just to come down to the original price again. Though now you had to slap the baggy in your hand or on a table a couple of times to make sure they hadn’t had mixed in bird sand, or even worse, crushed glass fiber (people died inhaling that shit) in the pile of weed they had been prepacking. It was then, when my two best buddies and I decided to pull off our first (guerilla) outdoor grow.

Not knowing a bit, we started gathering information’s from High Times, which was funny enough readable in the local library, and got some seeds (if I remember correctly, it was 6 seeds….3x Jamaican Pearl & 3x Northern Lights x Haze) on a weekend trip to the Netherlands.

Long story short. In our third year using the same spot (which was pretty safe being inner-city, having to cross a curve making “intersection” …. we always played stone, paper, scissor on our way back, determining who had to cross the road without being able to see possible coming traffic. He then gave the sign to the others when it was safe to cross) we had to find out that it had been discovered. The plants (still in Veg) had disappeared, and their holes filled with new dirt.

Happy not being caught by the authorities we gave up on the growing project and relied since then on a friend of mine that had in the meanwhile established a good connection getting commercial grown from the Netherlands pretty much firsthand. Good Quality (Oldschool Strains: Orange Bud, Amnesia and Super Silver), fair prices and a save “environment” (only “family & friends” were supplied by my friend directly).

10 years later that one thing happened that always happens. A great party gets busted.

My friend (lucky that he had a “pretty low stash” when the cops busted him) went on probation (cutting all his business relationships) and I was pushed back in the “real” black market. That meant basically that I either had to pay twice or even more for the quality I was used to or to get a real low quality (on top of dealing with unreliable shady or really young people, sometimes even both.)

I went for the “quality-route”. Quickly acknowledging the financial fact that I had to cut back my consumption. That was when I got into vaporizers (a topic that I haven’t seen to be discussed much here). Happy being able to cut my consumption by around a half, I was truly surprised to enter a totally new “Terp-World”, which was probably the first (subconscious) step getting me back to growing, knowing that the bud I had in hand wasn’t truly comparable to some bio indoor I had once/twice tried or even the outdoor my friends and I had grown.

A journey of research through the internet began and brought me finally in the hands of this forum. I started my first grow in May 2022 on an 80x80cm footprint with 4 plants. And with all your help/knowledge I crossed the goal line with a totally unexpected 230+ grams dry. (special honors to the Queen of Watering @Emilya Green for her detailed, well explained and mind-grabbing insights on the art of watering / cannabis growing in general. She got hold of me on the first touch. Hope that she can work her way through life and that she might return to this forum after her personal journey as a well-balanced, happy, and beloved human being)

Otherwise, I’m all over the place grabbing knowledge / following hypothesis / watching science from you guys. Therefore, a quick shout out to some members that spontaneously come to my mind:






@Grandpa Tokin






…. besides the many others who share their knowledge and contribute.

Concluding, I’m really happy to finally start my own journey on this forum. I’ll probably start a journal in the upcoming days. It will be my first SIP, so stayed tuned.
Great intro Brother :high-five:
Welcome to 420Magazine :welcome:
Anything at all I can help with let me know :thumb:
Happy Growing. :rollit:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

sips is a nice easy system to go with. the learning curve is much kinder than other grow styles. make sure you get a journal going.

A SIP grow? Count me in!

like a homing missile ... :laughtwo:
Awesome introduction growmie :headbanger: and welcome to one of the coolest places on the inter webz.

Glad things are legal and your on your way to producing some of the best smoke you'll ever have in your life 😁.

I'll keep an eye for your journal when you up and runnin.

If you need help with starting a journal I have a link in my signature down below 👇 👇 👇
Pleased to meet you! Welcome to legality! I'm in RSA and we've been legal since October 2018. We still have some hurdles in terms of the constitutionality of some of the legislation, and it is currently illegal to trade in cannabis and cannabis product. The prison sentences for convictions remain draconian. Anyway, nice to meet you :)
Hey Carmen, nice to meet you too. Sry that I forgot you (and @bluter as well) in my intro, i tried to include as many as i remembered at that point.
Love your avatar. Didn't know that you guys are legal. So it is just growing & possession that is legal in RSA?
Thank you all for the heartly welcome. :yahoo::adore:

And now a little tease (for @Azimuth 😂), a pic of my sip grow that is currently at the beginning of week 4.

In front: Superstar Grapefruit that was transplanted yesterday in her final SIP.
In the back: 2 Choco Kush in a version of @ReservoirDog SIP for seedlings

I will start a journal on Thursday (it is a holiday over here and i finally will have some free time).
Hey Carmen, nice to meet you too. Sry that I forgot you (and @bluter as well) in my intro, i tried to include as many as i remembered at that point.
Love your avatar. Didn't know that you guys are legal. So it is just growing & possession that is legal in RSA?
Growing, possession and recreational consumption are legal. I don't know what they have in mind for medical and commercial.
Growing, possession and recreational consumption are legal. I don't know what they have in mind for medical and commercial.
Great to hear. Kinda weird though that they didn‘t open the medical market.
In my belief cannabis is a medical plant with great powers in the first place. And we don‘t even know all the secrects. Therefore every patient should have access to those powers and find potential relief for his suffering. Still glad to see this world and its different societies (slowly) change their mind/view on this beautiful plant.
Great to hear. Kinda weird though that they didn‘t open the medical market.
In my belief cannabis is a medical plant with great powers in the first place. And we don‘t even know all the secrects. Therefore every patient should have access to those powers and find potential relief for his suffering. Still glad to see this world and its different societies (slowly) change their mind/view on this beautiful plant.
Once the big drug companies have all the patents locked up we'll all be amazed at the health benefits they've "discovered."
Great to hear. Kinda weird though that they didn‘t open the medical market.
In my belief cannabis is a medical plant with great powers in the first place. And we don‘t even know all the secrects. Therefore every patient should have access to those powers and find potential relief for his suffering. Still glad to see this world and its different societies (slowly) change their mind/view on this beautiful plant.
Oh they will. They are busy working on legislation that gives them the most power, control and ability for syphoning money from the fiscus via corrupt practices. This is how the ANC government works.
Good day boys and girls! :ciao:

I started my journal yesterday, like promised. 😎 Had to do a lil catch up writing to get the journal on point with the actual grow, but it is done and I’m more than happy to present to you :tommy:

SIPing BeyondClouds - The Journey Begins (A 420Magazine Rookie Tale)

Would love to have you guys and your knowledge over there and have watchout for potential errors.
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