Osmosis water is it necessary and where to get it?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I hear a lot of mention of RO. or osmosis water which I am assuming are the same thing? I am wondering is it necessary for example for cloning etc? Also where do you get osmosis water, Do you have to buy a system or something? Thanks all.
I used RO water for a few years and it's great, but there are drawbacks. You can find basic to inline systems all over. I have good or decent town water. But.... RO water is big for a new grower because it reduces, almost eliminates any problems that are water related. You're basically dealing with pure water. And being a new grower, it's one less thing to worry about. Not necessary, but very helpful. The drawback is there's waste water. Can be a good amount also. Especially when yer flowering 20+ 7g plants,,, So, you have to manage the waste water, and pay for it.

I've since switched to a water filter called
boogie blue, it's a hose end carbon filter. It's much cheaper and for a person with good, town water, it works for me. Plus, I don't flower 20 plus plants anymore... at home.
What type of water do you have access to now? I think most people are more concerned with what's not in their water, hence the RO approach. I am on a well :)...plants love it.
I am also on a well and our water isn't soft or hard water or at least it doesn't leave no stains or have any odor etc.
I used RO water for a few years and it's great, but there are drawbacks. You can find basic to inline systems all over. I have good or decent town water. But.... RO water is big for a new grower because it reduces, almost eliminates any problems that are water related. You're basically dealing with pure water. And being a new grower, it's one less thing to worry about. Not necessary, but very helpful. The drawback is there's waste water. Can be a good amount also. Especially when yer flowering 20+ 7g plants,,, So, you have to manage the waste water, and pay for it.

I've since switched to a water filter called
boogie blue, it's a hose end carbon filter. It's much cheaper and for a person with good, town water, it works for me. Plus, I don't flower 20 plus plants anymore... at home.
We are only allowed 12 plants here in Michigan and inside I would be doing less than that so probably not worth the extra hassle or expense.
We are only allowed 12 plants here in Michigan and inside I would be doing less than that so probably not worth the extra hassle or expense.
If you have city or town water then you better believe it's worth it. I'm in Michigan too by the way. I've been active on the forums here for three or four years. My town water from the tap is 255ppm and wreaks havoc on any of my house plants or pot plants. I bought my first inline RO kit about 3 years ago and it has been a lifesaver! Cost about 100 bucks and pays for itself fast. Before I bought that I had to resort to raiding the stores of all their distilled water. Kind of a pain in the butt to bring home 20 to 30 gallons of distilled water all the time.
If you have city or town water then you better believe it's worth it. I'm in Michigan too by the way. I've been active on the forums here for three or four years. My town water from the tap is 255ppm and wreaks havoc on any of my house plants or pot plants. I bought my first inline RO kit about 3 years ago and it has been a lifesaver! Cost about 100 bucks and pays for itself fast. Before I bought that I had to resort to raiding the stores of all their distilled water. Kind of a pain in the butt to bring home 20 to 30 gallons of distilled water all the time.
When I started my first grow I too was purchasing water from the store and realized real quick that was a pain in the ass and I'm on the lazy side so I didn't want to do that anymore. I have a well and I thought I'd try growing plants with well water and it works out just fine as far as I can tell. My well water has a lot of calcium in it and sulfur.
When I started my first grow I too was purchasing water from the store and realized real quick that was a pain in the ass and I'm on the lazy side so I didn't want to do that anymore. I have a well and I thought I'd try growing plants with well water and it works out just fine as far as I can tell. My well water has a lot of calcium in it and sulfur.
Yep, I'm lazy too lol. Most people can use thier well water and like you said there are nutrients and micronutrients in well water that are good. Not everyone can use it though, it just depends on the well.
Yep, I'm lazy too lol. Most people can use thier well water and like you said there are nutrients and micronutrients in well water that are good. Not everyone can use it though, it just depends on the well.
I can drink my water just fine without any filtering whatsoever but a couple of my friends refer to it as fart water. I guess it's the sulfur they're talkin about. One of the problems I do have is I use the same water in my humidifier and it puts a white powder on things over time.
I can drink my water just fine without any filtering whatsoever but a couple of my friends refer to it as fart water. I guess it's the sulfur they're talkin about. One of the problems I do have is I use the same water in my humidifier and it puts a white powder on things over time.
I grew up and lived on a 360 acre farm most of my life. I miss well water. I remember the very first time in my life I tasted City water with chlorine in it. I was a teenager, I literally threw up because I thought I just drank bleach. I had never had water treated with chlorine. I freaked out
I grew up and lived on a 360 acre farm most of my life. I miss well water. I remember the very first time in my life I tasted City water with chlorine in it. I was a teenager, I literally threw up because I thought I just drank bleach. I had never had water treated with chlorine. I freaked out
When I would visit my mother her water tasted like heavy bleach. Of course she was on city water. She couldn't taste it because she was used to it.
PepsiCo and Nestle steal our (State) water by the tankful and sell it for billions in profit. Watch the movie Untapped...hopefully you'll never buy another bottled water. I have a sign on our tap which says "FREE Maine Spring water...all you can drink". Our water actually tastes good...
It's funny you mention that, we have a nestle ice mountain bottling plant 6 miles south of us and that is definitely a concern of everyone's around our area. Selling our states resources for profit.
It's funny you mention that, we have a nestle ice mountain bottling plant 6 miles south of us and that is definitely a concern of everyone's around our area. Selling our states resources for profit.
Sorry to hear they are that close to you. Water will be the "new" oil in 50 years. Giving it away for a few low paying jobs (and political payouts) is the con of the century.
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