Organic SIP - Aim Max Yield


Well-Known Member
My diary will be to document for my own sake as I can’t keep notes without loosing them, I feel of all forums most home and welcomed here , I don’t expect an audience but if I have problems it will be easy to navigate here without filling forums with spam lol

I am in a self built room of 6x6.5ft
I have 5ft x 6 .5ft of scrog space I occupy
Leaving me a foot to walk in fan and res ,

I normaly have a 100gal bed here 2.5x3.5 ft but I can’t fill the screen enough without long veg so she is going

I plant to use 25lbuckets (5gal) inside 25l buckets with some nice net pots I found down middle and holes round edge
The classic sip n all that

My lighting is self made bxeb gen 2 bridgelux 480watt board 4ft x2 ft ,I use 2 so they fill my canopy with a foot round edge so every baby gets the same light every square ft this is good for testing

I will have 9 buckets
3 will be 50l or 10 gal
And 6 will be 25 5gals

One of my soils states a year of food while the other states only 3month
So hoping that the 5gal will last the season

Correct my soil if there is any problems you see please this is a new mix experiment after using coots for years ,the dalefoot mulched saved a deficient grow so I am hoping it will do all right from the start now

4 part dale foot Tomato Compost UK | Best compost for tomatoes
4 part rocketgro 2 bags
Peat Free Soil Improver | Organic plant goodness made in Somerset 4-2-5
And Peat-Free Fruit & Veg Compost 40L - RocketGro 3-1-2

1part perlite
1part peat guanokalong (base guano starter feed)
2 part ewc with npk 3-1-2

Gypsum at 4g a liter
Lime 2g per liter unless chicken poo used and ph is stable 6.5
Rock phos

Npk adds
Alfalfa meal 1cup per cu ft
Barley malt 1cup per cu ft
Chicken poop 2 cups per pot 4-3-3
Biochar compost 1/2 cup

Tea feed
Microbe man’s
recipe for a balanced nutrient cycling ACT which many growers claim to have great success with is;

[vermi]compost – 2.38%

unsulphured pure black strap molasses - 0.50% [but you can use a maximum 0.75%]

fish hydrolysate (high quality) - 0.063%
Do not use chemically deodorized liquid fish!

kelp meal - 0.25% max. [Less is more!]
NOTE: This is a maximum amount of kelp and you can experiment using less. This is using regular grade kelp meal for livestock. If you have soluble kelp, I recommend using smaller amounts. As noted earlier kelp meal can initially delay bacterial multiplication and fungal growth in ACT.

soft rock phosphate granules/powder - 0.063% Consider this optional

Fungal Brew;
If you want a brew which is more fungal increase the amount of fish hydrolysate to around 0.19% and you may wish to decrease the amount of molasses used so there is not a foodstock overload. Include a pinch of alfalfa meal, not using more than 0.25%. It is important to not overload a brew with foodstocks, otherwise you can easily compromise the dissolved oxygen capacity of the unit. Most importantly discontinue brewing around 18 to 20 hours. Of course if you have a microscope you can judge that for yourself.
Also, if you do not have fungi in your [vermi]compost, you won’t have it magically appear in your ACT.

Here is the room this system will be replacing /going in
Hi @Pondwater! Thanks for putting up a journal, and yes I would like to follow along. I am curious how your soil holds up. Have you done any research into supersoils, and how they are addmented and then cooked for several months to get all the organics and minerals to meld into what we consider to be soil. I am concerned that without "cooking" and even with good microbes, some of the elements are maybe going to be a bit raw to supply what is needed for the grow.

You look like you know what you are doing though, so I am going to watch and see if I can learn anything as I follow your notes closely. Good luck! Things are looking great so far and I am pulling for your success!
Hi @Pondwater! Thanks for putting up a journal, and yes I would like to follow along. I am curious how your soil holds up. Have you done any research into supersoils, and how they are addmented and then cooked for several months to get all the organics and minerals to meld into what we consider to be soil. I am concerned that without "cooking" and even with good microbes, some of the elements are maybe going to be a bit raw to supply what is needed for the grow.

You look like you know what you are doing though, so I am going to watch and see if I can learn anything as I follow your notes closely. Good luck! Things are looking great so far and I am pulling for your success!
Thank you fellow toker, I do understand what you mean and the backs soil fundamentals that come with it however I’ll help a little
The soil I have is a hot composted mass where they lay bracken down in sheeps bedding areas and after so long they are changed out for new, bracken supplies many important nutrients and is an amazing compost accelerator and airator. Along with sheeps wool which adds a real bounce to the soil moisture retention and nitrogen rich it also holds a lot of calcium which is the main cat ion for holding most nutrients without ca ya kinda fooked ,
This is taken and mixed to comfrey which we all know and is boking 14 and hot composted ,this process allows the compost to heat up to 76c and no more which keeps microbes and fungi thriving the whole mass is broken down to release a compost which is ready and very rich humus filled and lasts about a year of nutrient
The other soil I have there is rocket gro they specialize in organic soils and feed from bio digesters digesting maze and beets for electric and the ending mass is a rich enzyme filled soil and contains 3month of food only as it is readily all digested too before mixing to a bark mulch mix .
I also have a liquid food from the same company which is 3-1-3 basicly there soil in em1 digested further
Along with the worm cast and fish there will be a full range of nutrients avalible right from the go
Barley feeds microbes n worms n fungi
The chicken poo is fast readily avalible too takes a week to become active I use it all the time

My buckets are in the post !! Postman just failed a pickup n gota pay double ffs
Thank you fellow toker, I do understand what you mean and the backs soil fundamentals that come with it however I’ll help a little
The soil I have is a hot composted mass where they lay bracken down in sheeps bedding areas and after so long they are changed out for new, bracken supplies many important nutrients and is an amazing compost accelerator and airator. Along with sheeps wool which adds a real bounce to the soil moisture retention and nitrogen rich it also holds a lot of calcium which is the main cat ion for holding most nutrients without ca ya kinda fooked ,
This is taken and mixed to comfrey which we all know and is boking 14 and hot composted ,this process allows the compost to heat up to 76c and no more which keeps microbes and fungi thriving the whole mass is broken down to release a compost which is ready and very rich humus filled and lasts about a year of nutrient
The other soil I have there is rocket gro they specialize in organic soils and feed from bio digesters digesting maze and beets for electric and the ending mass is a rich enzyme filled soil and contains 3month of food only as it is readily all digested too before mixing to a bark mulch mix .
I also have a liquid food from the same company which is 3-1-3 basicly there soil in em1 digested further
Along with the worm cast and fish there will be a full range of nutrients avalible right from the go
Barley feeds microbes n worms n fungi
The chicken poo is fast readily avalible too takes a week to become active I use it all the time

My buckets are in the post !! Postman just failed a pickup n gota pay double ffs
That all sounds wonderful! I find myself jealous of your soil and know that you are not going to have any nutritional problems at all.
So after speaking hours with the compost dude and I mean hours . Decided to get total investment in his soil,
So I am going to do this.

3 pure compost he said ready to go
3 compost the same but 10% perlite
3peat coots mix with fish bonemeal and probiotics as normal my done

Find the winner in the pot and repeat with further test ,I will do a mega crop comparison after this round with the winners

What do ya think to these beats fr the base of my buckets …too big haha god damn need new ones lol


Hope all is well in your world.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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