Oregon: Cannabis Oil Production Faces Legislation

Robert Celt

New Member
Hash oil is available at marijuana dispensaries for medical card holders only.

It's a very concentrated form of T.H.C., the compound in cannabis that gets you "high."

Doctors say research is showing it's an effective way to treat certain cancers.

"Research shows that they can stop the growth of the cancer, they can kill the cancer cells, and they can stop the migration of them," said Dr. Judy Emanuel from Willow Mountain Medical.

Making hash oil yourself can be extremely dangerous.

The state legislature is figuring out ways on how to regulate its production.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Oregon: Cannabis Oil Production Faces Legislation
Author: Justin Matthews
Contact: News10
Photo Credit: None found
Website: News10
The father of a former members of my Collective had stage 3 or 4 cancer and his son made a tincture (elixir) or hash and fed it to his father and six months or a year later, he was cancer free. He died a year and a half later from old age. If it is not one thing, its another. It is a good thing God provided Cannabis!!
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