Ootd's Box Of Buds

Thanks yall!!!
Ive had a little bit more time to take care of the girls and it shows.
Been thinking about getting theses piscadio girls to flower. They sure are a small bush but ive got some tops now to work with. The small coco piscadio girl is getting left behind.


Everyone in the box just got blasted. With de or diatomaceous earth. Man all it took was for me to read a post about them f,ers and poof. :straightface:

The bigger pascadio ive gave a 2 week dose of geoflora veg and started putting her into 12/12. For now that consist of keeping her under the 250 then putting her under the purple and t5 for about 15 mins till lower box light timer turns off cause ive got to get going with the day. Then 12 hrs later when all lights come back on im able to put her back under the sp250. Funny how you can arrange your day to fit around your plants schedule. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Haven't updated in a awhile brother how's the plants?
Haven't updated in a awhile brother how's the plants?


Just been hangin with dad she said.

The plants oh man!!
Almost lost them all.
Just when the fnats were gone they started looking pretty sickly.
Apon closer inspection I found a bug crawling on the underside of a leaf. Then another one and oh crap they were infested with thrips. It was bad. Big piscadio girl was allready starting to flower. I made a homemade vinegar and soapy water spray. Then everyone was dusted top to bottom with de including the whole inside of the box. That stayed on for a few days till the neem oil arrived. They all got fully drenched with it. (Now I know what that smell is at the garden centers). Couple days after that they were thrip free and all seemed to recover. The crack whore looking one is what was the big piscadio girl. She does have new growth starting
Will see how she does.
Everyone is now on 12/12 even the autos. After one time I was so tired that I forgot to put the photo girl to the dark space for her dark 12 hrs, and with highs allready hitting 97 and 98 degrees fahrenheit we dont have much time left before it is just to dang hot.

Coco girls watering was skipped yesterday due to uncontrolled circumstances and just now the fnats are back so everything is dusted aaaagain. Probably from keeping drain trays in plastic tote with used soil after each watering.

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