Ootd's Box Of Buds

Im not sure, no scale.
They are nice and tight so I would guess 1½ by the time they dry up. I did break one of the big buds earlier in flower and it didn't make it. Ive got to stop trying to bend them so much once they go into flower. I also should of let it grow into the 5 gallon pot atleast another week before we flipped her. But we didn't know how big she would get.
Definitely the most dank so far but purps is a stinky bitch. You bump into her and two hours later people at work are like damn bro you smell good
I did get 5 to pop in the towel 24-48 hrs. All 5 are breaking ground too.

One day I might try some of those peat pods, ive only ordered seeds once and that was a fiasco :lot-o-toke:
My germination rate is not very good for the price that was spent on seeds.

Purps is coming down most likely this weekend


Planted the solo cup girls 24 hrs after the fabric pot girls and the solo girls are 3x bigger then fabric pot girls :hmmmm:
Yes I'm also learning this , I've found the plants I germinated in rapid root pods grew out of seedling stage way faster ,but with the big no no on transplanting autos I find them slow in my fabric pots , this shed guy might be on to something with the heat retention, I noticed the seeds in normal pots also grew faster , , and is the solo cup closer to the light? The seedlings look awesome by the way
I don't because I don't see any reason to. If you know the technique of watering a small plant in a big pot, why go through the trouble, with the possibility you might slow the autoflower down a bit.
I struggle with guessing the amount of water to give with seedlings I'm a finger blast the soil kinda guy , but I'm scared to finger blast the seedling out of fear of damaging the tiny roots

Couple days ago we had the 5 babies but 2 in the 3gal fabric pots fell over dead. Tried to givem a dome but the refused and are :rip::bong:

Two days ago top left babie transplanted from solo cup. Tap root was at bottom +about an inch.
24 hrs ago transplanted bottom left babie and tap root was at bottom plus 2 inches:nerd-with-glasses:

The two clone girls are good green again

:rip: the last of the plant in final pot babies

Gona put this clone of Lily which is a clone of piscadio into that coco. She has been in coco for over a week and should be rooting now. Will leave it in the blue pot till new growth starts coming in

Well im gona blame it on the white widow j that was burning but while i was heating up some fresh ro water for Daisy and Lily I sat down with the mixed general hydroponics trio bucket of water and well you can guess what happens. Barely had enough to water the coco girls. The clone girls I ran ro water through to flush the synthetics out. :bongrip:

Daisy was thhhiirrssty
No more than how ive done before in coco. The solo cup girls had full coco saturation. We just had a big shift in weather from 80-100% humidity to 18%.

Im not the most gentle person when it comes to finding the time to discreetly do things the way I would really like.

One of these days
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