Ootd's Box Of Buds

Ive read that the recipe im using lacks in potassium. When I watered piscadio with the banana peel water a couple waterings ago she busted out with some tricomes. She doesnt seem to be producing them like how she started.
Letting a new batch of water sit to evaporate the chlorine to make more banana water for their next water.
How long does something like this last after the first week it takes to ferment?
How long does something like this last after the first week it takes to ferment?
I've never tried anything organic so I've never had to research it. Sorry I couldn't help you. You can try and hunt Emilya down. She's probably your best answer.
Your using megacrop correct?
The results ive seen from @HashFart are off the chain! Some time in the near future we will get some of that.
You use it with just good soil? Do you use the same soil or new each run?
Your using megacrop correct?
The results ive seen from @HashFart are off the chain! Some time in the near future we will get some of that.
You use it with just good soil? Do you use the same soil or new each run?
Congrats on the harvest !!!!!!!!! My frosty flowers have been grown in promox hp and fed similar to hydro ,,,, my secret is to ph the nutrient water , I understand that promix will buffer but certain nutrients get absorbed at certain ph , ,,, and the pet store is out of fit and light dog food and pierogi is getting plump
Ive read that the recipe im using lacks in potassium. When I watered piscadio with the banana peel water a couple waterings ago she busted out with some tricomes. She doesnt seem to be producing them like how she started.
Letting a new batch of water sit to evaporate the chlorine to make more banana water for their next water.
How long does something like this last after the first week it takes to ferment?
OOTD...Im all organic...look up Budswel for a great flower guano tea. I doubled up this grow and my Blueberry and Cream Mandarine XL are super terpene bombs.
Congrats on the harvest !!!!!!!!! My frosty flowers have been grown in promox hp and fed similar to hydro ,,,, my secret is to ph the nutrient water , I understand that promix will buffer but certain nutrients get absorbed at certain ph , ,,, and the pet store is out of fit and light dog food and pierogi is getting plump
Thanks brother
Yup those nugs look pretty tasty. Sticky icky
Alley has put on the weight too. She bats her lashes at her mom to get what ever she wants.
You use it with just good soil? Do you use the same soil or new each run?
Correct. I've reused the soil up to three runs. Just clean out the old roots and you should be good. I add a bit of dolomite, not much, after the second run.
It can also be used with Promix and other media.
Ive been looking at so many pictures of deficiencies that ive convinced myself that this is a k and magnesium deficiency



My banana water is nice and nasty in a plant loving way and I added epsom salt to it. Purps is gonna be the guinea pig tonight.

Piscadio is couple days slower using up all her water but she has been a light feeder from the beginning.
OOTD...Im all organic...look up Budswel for a great flower guano tea. I doubled up this grow and my Blueberry and Cream Mandarine XL are super terpene bombs.
I’m lucky to have found out that very key detail around 87/88 with Neville seed stock, when I went from hydro drip and gh nutes, revegged and uppotted in a good soil mix and used budswell. I was blown away is the only way to put it. Totally different plants. Organic gives me something I couldn’t find with my chem ferts and I’m the only one I have to please. Everyone’s entitled to do their own thing but I’ll just continue to play in the poopy pile:)
I’m lucky to have found out that very key detail around 87/88 with Neville seed stock, when I went from hydro drip and gh nutes, revegged and uppotted in a good soil mix and used budswell. I was blown away is the only way to put it. Totally different plants. Organic gives me something I couldn’t find with my chem ferts and I’m the only one I have to please. Everyone’s entitled to do their own thing but I’ll just continue to play in the poopy pile:)
Inky66...just finished 4th grow...all organic soil and nutes inspired by Soma. With a great CMH 315 light and the right airflow my two fem photo and two auto grows are all top shelf meds. I doubled up on Budswel (2 Tbsp/gallon) through flower this last grow...tester indicates it was the right call. Do you have a grow journal here?
Inky66...just finished 4th grow...all organic soil and nutes inspired by Soma. With a great CMH 315 light and the right airflow my two fem photo and two auto grows are all top shelf meds. I doubled up on Budswel (2 Tbsp/gallon) through flower this last grow...tester indicates it was the right call. Do you have a grow journal here?
No I’m pretty new here and learning the ropes. I posted some pics on the gallery and am going to be getting one going. I pop a bean every 3 weeks or so so there’s always something happening. I’m having alot of fun looking at others hobbies/ passion!
The budswel has definitely been rolling around upstairs. It has mostly same ingredients as some dry amendments in my soil.

Two days since purps received banana water with a magnesium boost in the form of epsom salt ph'd to 6.3

Piscadio received same banana/ epsom salt water tonight.

The budswel has definitely been rolling around upstairs. It has mostly same ingredients as some dry amendments in my soil.

Two days since purps received banana water with a magnesium boost in the form of epsom salt ph'd to 6.3

Piscadio received same banana/ epsom salt water tonight.

That stalk looks huge
The budswel has definitely been rolling around upstairs. It has mostly same ingredients as some dry amendments in my soil.

Two days since purps received banana water with a magnesium boost in the form of epsom salt ph'd to 6.3

Piscadio received same banana/ epsom salt water tonight.

It looks like you have a great handle on success already. I’d cruise on through on your current and testy maybe next go round? I like what I’m seeing!
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