Ootd's Box Of Buds

Thanks Shed! @One Of These Days, it's K or Mg def from what I can tell. The lowers have burned and curled up, the margins are burning on the middles and lots of interveinal chlorosis. I'm leaning more to K def because there's lots of Ca and Mg from the ingredients, most likely causing a lockout. A soil analysis when making your own is critical imho. A slurry test would be in order as well since there is no way of knowing what the pH is at.
Thank you MrS!
Thanks Shed! @One Of These Days, it's K or Mg def from what I can tell. The lowers have burned and curled up, the margins are burning on the middles and lots of interveinal chlorosis. I'm leaning more to K def because there's lots of Ca and Mg from the ingredients, most likely causing a lockout. A soil analysis when making your own is critical imho. A slurry test would be in order as well since there is no way of knowing what the pH is at.
Ive got some banana peel fermenting, today will be day 7 on that. Its been 4-5 days since last water so we will be able to give a potassium boost with next water.

Slurry test ugggg. I wanted so bad to never have to look at a ph meter again :bong:
My last ph pen was going wonky on last coco grow So it will be a minute to get another one, but i will.

Thank you all for taking the time to help.
Its been 4-5 days since last water so we will be able to give a potassium boost with next water.
You can, but maybe there's enough K already in your soil. It could be a lockout from having a rich mix of N and Ca which creates issues with the uptake of K. That's the risk of making your own; not knowing what elements, and at what ratios, are in there.
Slurry test ugggg. I wanted so bad to never have to look at a ph meter again :bong:
My last ph pen was going wonky on last coco grow So it will be a minute to get another one, but i will.
lol, we all dread having to use the pen, but before you put the girls in there you should have already known what it was. ;)
The new ph pen came in the other day. Thanks to @MrSauga for bursting my bubble. I dug down close to 3 inches in between stem and edge. Mixed it @50/50 distilled water to dirt.

Slurry @ 5 mins 7.13 ph
Slurry @15 mins 6.96 ph
Tap water came in 8.43 ph

With the water ph that high the lime couldn't balance it out, that iron and magnesium like @HashFart was saying, she must have quit uptaking those causing multiple lockouts.

Mixed 1/6 banna peel fermented water to tap water, and that dropped ph of water to under 6.0. Added a couple pinches of baking soda to up it to 6.2

By second day you could see the buds start building again. The leaves all started to yellow and curling back on the tips.

Tonight 4 days later she is bone dry. Watered ph'd to 6.2

Birthday cake was a boy. He's in the leaf bucket now. Im not sold on piscadio back there being male.

The ww auto is showing improvement in her buds but her poor leaves crispified

Thanks to @MrSauga for bursting my bubble.
lol, sorry! But at least now you have an idea of what was going on. Now you can tackle the problem as you did and make things right. When growing organic or making your own soil it's more important than ever to have the right tools for basic testing. Well done OOTD!
She is snoring right now lol. She has a blast chasing squirrels all day. Nope she just stuck her head up. Must have heard me type s q u i r r e l
She understands when we spell out words she knows shes going for a ride.
So what do you think he needs to do to tackle the issue brother @MrSauga this journal just got very interesting im learning alot already ! I hope to have the confidence to make my own soil one day
Well I believe some of the mystery has been resolved, but not knowing the basic NPK levels makes adjustments risky since all you're dong is guessing. Because OOTD is noticing improvement I would continue doing what he's doing.
The pH as Shed said is running just outside the limits. Personally I like mine to be at 6.2-6.5 to ensure that I'm getting all the nutrients needed and not missing some from lockout.
So what do you think he needs to do to tackle the issue brother @MrSauga this journal just got very interesting im learning alot already ! I hope to have the confidence to make my own soil one day
Im hoping things will level out with better watering practices.
The soil was built from a recipe albeit it is on the hot side due to the base soil.
No worries brother hash we gonna drop more beans here in a bit. I under estimated how much soil these 5 gallons actually hold.
Ww auto has bulked up her buds alot over the past week. She has started getting sticky as well. I trimmed out alot of the dead and lower growth, and thinned out the middle some.

Piscadio has responded to properly ph'd water.

Purps was put into the pot the lemon diesel was in and has only been watered the one time after transplant. Its been over a week since then. This picture is right before lights off. She will be watered with proper ph'd water for the first time when lights come back on.

Its hard to tell where ww auto is at with the fried leaves. We have mostly cloudy tricomes now, but all the past ww's from this batch never turned amber. We even let one go for around 110 days, where the tricomes started turning black. When you've smoked a joint of that its night night time sleeping like a baby.

Of coarse I didn't log when she was planted or when she started to flower, but she has been right there with my buddy @cr8grow and his autos are in the 9th week of flower and looking really good and gettin ready to chop.

She still has alot of white hairs and I still need to come up with a plan to dry her.

Piscadio is looking good to me and the 2 clones are doing good as well they are both in ffof.

I remember something about the tips being bent down while :nomo:
Purps tips started bending down before I corrected the ph. Ive tried to find info on this but ended up watching dogs taste test different foods on the internet. Keeping an eye on it for now.
To start this journal we need to look at the end. In the end it will be hot, so want to finish in April early May. We know we need to fill the jars with enough meds to make it through the summer. Late October it cools down to 80's °f and that brings us to the beginning. It finally cooled off a bit and I started the usual white widow auto. The last couple strains i had left that I know were autos did not survive. Unlike the ww autos I think they would grow in the rain gutters on the house. Glad I still have a handful of those.

The plan is to take these bag seeds ive been saving for this occasion and clone and flower has much as I can. I get really good buds locally and every once in awhile a seed will fall out. Well ive been labeling and saving them.
We have a cherry pie, lemon diesel, purps, and a piscadio (spelling and correct name unsure) but could be the best yet hard to say I lovem all, thats what it sounded like when i picked that one up.

This go around will be in supersoil, mixed early this summer and is all cooked n ready to go. Going 24hr tap water only no ph and will be using recharge to make sure my microbes stay around for awhile.

To clone and flower ill be using the same box which i just split into 2 zones. Still need to seal from each other and run fans to move air in between. The top light is a sp250 set at 238 watts from the wall. The bottom light will be a 2 foot t5 and also a 100 watt from wall blurple if needed.

OOTD...Missed your new grow, will catch up soon. Love the stealth cabinet.

The little piscadio in the solo cup is hungry its been in ffof only about ⅔ full for awhile same with the other one in the ceramic pot.
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