

New Member
My boyfriend asked me to make some icing with our cbutter, so I accidentally stopped listening to him and used an entire cup of it (per the recipe, at least), instead of the 1.5 tbsp he told me to mix with regular butter. Needless to say, we have a regular ol' batch of icing that would probably send you five dimensions from here with one teaspoon. Should I just make another batch of "safe" icing and combine the two? Or would you suggest doubling the plain icing and then mixing?
Yeah 1 cup is quite a lot of bud for edibles. I would just make up another batch of clean and then just mix it in with the hot batch. Probably still going to be pretty hot but just spread it lightly on the cupcakes.
I don't see a problem here :) When I have budder, it totally substitutes butter in entirety :thumb:
What ratio do you use to make the budder? Just out of curiosity...

Love the thread title, drew me in :rofl:
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